
Christmas break wasn't too terrible on her own. Alyssa tried to fill her time with activities for herself to do. She didn't think about next semester for the first week.

She just decorated her dorm with cheap Christmas decorations and watched Christmas movies.

It wasn't the holliest and jolliest way to spend the holiday, but at least she was keeping busy.

She didn't start having such a hard time being alone until she became surrounded by people she loved being around.

Being without them was hard, but she was working on making it not unbearable. She had to find her independence again because Elias or Zoe wouldn't be with her all the time.

She texted them both throughout the week and sent pictures back and forth. It was nice to keep in touch.

It helped her feel less isolated on campus. There was hardly anyone here. When she went on walks, she was lucky to see more than one other person roaming around.