Hotter and hotter

Alyssa swallowed hard as she rested her hands on his shoulders. She wouldn't mind doing that at all. Besides, they did good on the test. They might as well celebrate that together, even if they were competing.

"I think so too," Alyssa murmured as she leaned forward. She teasingly brushed her lips against his, not fully kissing him.

When he tried to lean forward to properly kiss her, she gripped the back of his hair, keeping him in place. She continued to flutter her lips against the corner of his, not giving him what he wanted.

Elias groaned as he dug his fingertips into her hips. 

"You tease," he muttered. He tried to turn his head and chase her lips, but she didn't let him. Eventually, he grew tired of the game and slammed her down on the mattress.

He hovered above her and captured her lips in a searing kiss, making her moan into the touch. He ran his hands up her body, caressing her curves through her t-shirt.