Sex education

Alyssa smiled up at him. She was glad that it was good for him too because it was amazing for her.

She was glad that he was the one doing the moving right now because she still felt pretty boneless from what he did to her.

"It feels like I'm in an oven. Wow," she said as she fanned herself. She could hardly handle the heat, but it also felt so good at the same time.

She breathed in deeply to catch her breath. It took her a minute to recover after feeling so much pleasure. She liked reveling in it for a moment, taking it in.

"I can turn the air on," Elias offered with an amused look.

Alyssa shook her head, not wanting him to bother. She liked the heat. She wanted it to only get hotter and hotter from here on out.

She had an idea that kept coming to mind, and she believed that she had just enough courage to put it into motion.