His decision

When she moved to New York, she would be leaving behind her best friend. Just thinking about it pained her, but she was also happy for Zoe.

She was pursuing her master's in psychology, and she had a great boyfriend. Alyssa hoped that they stayed in contact when she left.

She also hoped that she didn't lose Elias too. Losing them both would be too painful. They were the only family that she had left.

Medical school would be the hardest chapter of her life so far, and she wasn't sure if she would be able to get through it alone.

"That sounds really fun," Alyssa said with a nod. If they were all going to be together one more time for a long while, they might as well go out with a bang. "Let us know if you need any help."

"Really? That'd be great! You can help me decorate," Zoe said as she reached out to shake Alyssa's shoulder.

"I can cook something," Elias offered with a sheepish smile.