
Alyssa couldn't remember the last time that she stayed in a hotel. Or if she even had before. Her parents didn't exactly make it a habit to take her on any trips.

She hadn't been able to afford them during her first few years of college. Now, she was finally at a point where this wouldn't kill her bank account.

She had a way better job now than she did back in her sophomore year. Though, she did miss the simplicity and easiness of that job.

"455," Elias murmured as he looked down at the key card in his hand. Once the elevator opened, he walked out and took a left down a long hallway, glancing at the doors to try to find their room.

Alyssa followed behind, her black sneakers thudding against the blue carpeted floor. She couldn't wait for the festival tomorrow, but she was also excited for some quiet time tonight.