
Alyssa knew that the trip was short, but she wished that it hadn't flown by so fast. The day after the festival, they all went out to explore the city.

They went to a local aquarium during the day and went to a nice bar that night to drink and listen to more music.

Every second felt fun, even when Alyssa knew that the trip was soon coming to an end.

She loved the nights that she got to spend with Elias in the hotel room. When they weren't blowing each other's minds, they talked and cuddled.

Of course, they didn't talk about what Alyssa desperately needed to talk to him about. But they talked about everything else.

Everyone was pretty tired when they checked out of the hotel and got situated in Elias' car.

No one wanted to leave just yet, but everyone had responsibilities at home. People still had work and assignments to catch up on. Life couldn't be ignored for that long.