
Every Tuesday and Thursday around 3:00 to 4:00 p.m., Alyssa volunteered at the local Boys and Girls Club.

She had always liked the idea of volunteering, and she learned that it looked good for her too when she was applying to medical schools.

Since her junior year, she volunteered here. She didn't want to boast, but the kids did like her a lot.

She mostly helped them with their homework or played with them until their parents picked up them up.

They were all different ages. Most of them were sweet. Some of them were terrors. Alyssa liked looking after all of them.

Part of her wished that she had a sibling. A little one preferably. She liked kids, so it would've been great to grow up with a sister or brother of her own.

She could help them learn all sorts of things, give them advice, and just be friends with them. But she knew that it was best for her to be an only child.