
Alyssa whipped around to see Scott standing behind her about five feet away. She hadn't even heard him until he spoke. Where did he even come from? She hadn't seen anyone in the last ten minutes.

"Run off?" she questioned him as she tried to get her heartbeat to calm down. He had spooked her.

She wondered what he was doing on campus so late at night. Then again, she was on campus late at night. She couldn't exactly point fingers.

"Elias ran you off," Scott said with a chuckle.

So, they did know each other. Alyssa knew that Elias didn't want her talking to him, but he wouldn't even talk to her right now!

Plus, she was curious about how they knew each other and what happened between them since there was bad blood between them. Scott didn't seem so bothered about Elias, though.

"He doesn't seem to like you that much," Alyssa commented as she watched him walk closer to her.