
Alyssa wished he would just leave her alone now. She felt like he was playing with her and playing with Elias, despite him not even being here right now.

This guy was tricky, and he seemed to be looking for trouble.

"It's fine. Nice seeing you," she said, even though it wasn't nice seeing him at all. He made her even more upset than she already was.

For all she knew, he could be lying about everything, but what would he even gain from lying? She felt like he was being honest.

"Night, dear," Scott replied, watching her go with a smile on his face.

Alyssa turned away from him and walked down the path. Once she got about twenty feet away, she turned to look over her shoulder just to see that he was gone.

She narrowed her eyes in confusion, wondering where he had gone. Did he just run off? He was kind of weird.

She turned back forward and kept walking. She had so many questions now. Even more than she had before.