Take a guess

Elias didn't say anything for a few moments.

"Yes," he finally said.

Alyssa let out a shaky breath, realizing that she was right. He did save her, but what did he save her from?

Knowing that he was there that night answered one of her questions, but it made tons more pop up in her head.

"What happened that night?" she asked him, needing to know what she was up against.

"I can't tell you," Elias sighed.

Alyssa closed her eyes for a second, feeling more pain and disappointment seep deep into her body.

She felt weighed down by it all at this point. He hadn't changed.

He didn't truly love her. She knew these things, but it still hurt her to be reminded of them.

"Goodbye, Elias," she muttered before walking away from him, leaving him standing there on the spot with a broken look on his face.



Trying to get on with her life like normal was borderline torture for Alyssa.