
"Take a guess," Elias merely said as he lowered his eyes to the table.

Alyssa didn't know why he was so timid. She supposed that part of him wanted to tell her and part of him didn't. If her safety was on the line, she needed to know.

"I don't know. I mean… the only thing that I can think of that has fangs is a vampire," she said with a scoff. That was impossible, though. Those didn't even exist.

Elias didn't say anything.

Alyssa narrowed her eyes as she leaned closer to him.

"Wait. Are you saying that I was attacked by a vampire the other night?" she asked him quietly.

She felt her heart start to race as she pondered on the possibility. Vampires couldn't possibly be real. Wouldn't there be more evidence or something?

Elias finally looked up at her and nodded.

Alyssa sunk back into her seat out of disbelief, shaking her head.