[Bonus chapter]Meeting parents

Alyssa turned toward him and nodded.

"I went to work this morning and was told I had a new patient. I walked into the room, and a vampire attacked me.

I managed to stab him in the eye with a pen and escape, but he managed to escape too before security could get to him," she told him.

She wished that there was a better outcome, but she was just grateful to be alive.

Elias stared at her with wide eyes.

"Did he look familiar?" he asked her.

Alyssa shook her head when she thought back to the vampire.

He could've been the one that attacked her in the parking lot, but she hadn't gotten a good look then. She just knew that he wasn't Scott.

"No. I thought I saw Scott last night, but I think I just imagined it," she told him.

Elias nodded, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I don't think Scott is the one attacking you," he admitted.

Alyssa gave him a confused look, wondering how he came to that conclusion.