Meeting parents(2)

"I'm free this weekend," she told him.

"I'll book our flights for then," Elias told her.

"So, we're taking a trip together," Alyssa said, feeling a little nervous about that. When she was alone with him, she tended to almost do things that she could later regret.

She had to control herself. It was just hard when there was still a dash of chemistry and so much history between them.

"Yep," Elias said with a warm smile. "Hopefully, we learn what we need to."

Alyssa breathed in deeply as she nodded, sharing that hope. She was ready to not be scared all the time.

She wanted to sleep well, to go to work, to live her life. She felt like she was losing time because she was spending so much time stressing out about not dying. She needed things to change soon.

"Thanks for coming to meet me and helping me. I really need this," she told him sincerely. Her expression then turned sheepish. "And sorry for being mean last time."