
Alyssa was worried that if she clenched her jaw any tighter that her teeth would crack. She smiled faintly and nodded. At least she didn't have to act proud. She was automatically proud of Elias and all that he had made himself to be.

"I believe I read something about his company in the newspaper. He's certainly made a name for himself," she replied as she flashed Elias a warm look.

She felt bad that he was so tense, but his friend was making things weird by popping up all the time for random reasons.

"I'm no doctor, though," Elias said as he placed his hand on her knee briefly to squeeze it.

Alyssa felt herself blush as she shook her head at him, sharing a warm moment with him.

"Elias was always so humble growing up. He's one of the best guys that I know," Stella spoke up, breaking into their moment, and Alyssa swore that it was on purpose. "I'm glad to know him."