
Alyssa finally found the motivation that she needed to go back to her old place and go through the aftermath.

Elias was at work, and she didn't feel like lingering around the penthouse by herself. If she wasn't going to go to work, she needed to make herself useful in some way.

If she just stayed at the penthouse, she would keep thinking about Stella and how her life kept going downhill.

Once she reached her apartment, she unlocked the door, which she didn't even know why she locked it in the first place.

Obviously, if someone wanted to get into her apartment, they would be able to find a way in, whether the door was locked or not.

She shut her door behind her and locked it before facing the mess that was once her apartment.

It looked like a bear ripped everything apart. A lot of things weren't even worth saving, so she would have to toss a lot of her stuff, which she wasn't happy about.