The truth

Alyssa ran her hand up his shirt, stroking his side.

"Everything might not change. You might be worrying too much," she pointed out.

Of course, Alyssa could read him easily. She was one of the only people that was able to do that with him.

He put a wall up when it came to most people, but she could usually see right over it. Not that he minded.

"I just wanted us to finally start our lives together. I wanted to go on dates and show you off to my work friends,"

Elias said with a sad smile. He knew that those things were small compared to the big picture, but they meant a lot to him.

They brought him even closer to the normal life that he wished that he could live.

He didn't care to live a life full of vampires, demons and witches. He was happy just being himself and building a life around the people he cared about and the work that he enjoyed doing.