Darkness coming

"What day is that?" Elias asked pointedly.

His mother moved to stand in front of the group, leading her husband along with her.

"Elias, please. Just hear us out," she said gently.

Elias looked over at Melina.

"So, it's true. She's my twin sister that you never thought to tell me about," he said, his voice growing sharper by the second. 

He could feel shock and frustration clash, making his volume heighten uncontrollably. He didn't want to believe this.

"Watch your tone around your mother," his father replied sternly. His shoulders then dropped slightly. "Yes, Melina is your sister."

"Got any proof?" Elias asked, figuring he should ask for that before rolling with this ridiculous scenario that was his life. 

After more than twenty years, he was just now finding out that he shared a womb with someone that he hadn't met until now.