
"Maybe not if we work together. I'll figure out some sort of spell that I can use to maximize your fire ability," Melina said as she motioned to her bag. "I have some books I can look through."

"I'm willing to be a distraction if you guys actually act fast and kill that son of a bitch," Scott sighed as he sat back in the lounge chair.

Elias gave Scott a surprised look. He never thought that he would ever hear Scott not be selfish. He was actually willing to put his life on the line and help them defeat Alaric.

"You're actually going to help us?" he asked.

"Why do you think I'm here? I could've gone into hiding instead," Scott scoffed as he crossed his legs at his knee. He glanced over at Melina. "You better find that spell."

Melina nodded and rummaged through her bag to grab her books. She looked at Alyssa and handed her a book.

"I trust your mind. If anything pops out at you, just let me know," she said.