Breaking the seal

Elias shoved open the side door to the RV the second that it stopped in the back parking lot of the rest stop.

He looked around, not seeing a single soul in sight. Faint security lights broke through the darkness, providing enough light to see the expanse of concrete.

"Here they come," Elias told Melina as they stood beside each other. He turned to look at the door of the RV, seeing Scott and Alyssa standing in the doorway. "Scott, watch over Alyssa."

Scott nodded and shooed Alyssa aside, despite her protesting. He shut the door behind them.

Elias swallowed hard as he turned back forward, watching the black car stop across the parking lot from them.

He glanced over at Melina, seeing a small pouch attached to the belt loop of her black jeans.

"I don't even know what to do," he admitted, feeling nervousness creep up his spine. He wasn't a fighter.