Double date(2)

Alyssa shared a smile with him. She then took his hand and led him out of the motel room, looking down the street where the bar and grill was.

"Come on. I don't want to be late," she told him, hurrying him along down the sidewalk toward the small bar and grill.

Modern rock music blared from speakers inside as they neared the entrance. Tacky beach and sports decorations lined the walls, and high wooden tables filled the interior.

"Welcome to Davie's! Just two?" a young waitress greeted them.

"We're with them," Alyssa said, pointing to Melina and Tyler, who sat a table in the middle of the restaurant. There were only a few other groups of people in the bar and grill.

"Okay!" the waitress chirped.

Alyssa led Elias over to Tyler and Melina's table.

"Hi!" she greeted them as she sat across from them.

"Hey," Melina replied cheerfully. "I'm so happy we're doing this."