
Elias nodded his agreement, feeling something warm burn inside of his chest. If he was honest with himself, he didn't think that he and Melina would get to this point.

He thought that he would always feel off toward her and wouldn't be able to separate her from what his parents did.

"Guess she isn't so bad," he smirked at Melina playfully.

Melina rolled her eyes, leaning into Tyler's embrace as he put his arm around her shoulders.

Elias chuckled, feeling that warm sensation gradually spread. This was a good moment. It was one that he would remember for a while.

Through all of the darkness surrounding them, they had finally found a little bit of light. He hoped that they continued to find those moments of light. They would need them when things became even darker.

After paying the bill, the group wandered out of the restaurant, chatting and laughing over one of Melina's old boarding school tales.