Attacked (2)

Another ten minutes passed before Scott finally returned to consciousness. Everyone helped him onto the bed to sit down and gather himself, soon surrounding him with concerned faces.

They knew that this meant bad news for all of them. One of their own was attacked, leaving the rest of them vulnerable to whatever was coming next.

Elias doubted that this was the end. Scott was lucky to even still be alive.

"Are you okay?" Melina asked Scott as she peered down at him with a worried expression.

Scott rubbed his head gingerly before scoffing.

"Am I okay? I got attacked while the lot of you were on a date!" he said with a bite to his words.

Melina looked over at Elias, motioning for him to talk to Scott with her expression.

Elias crossed his arms over his chest as he looked down at Scott.

"Do you remember anything?" he asked him. If he had any clues to share with them, they could use them to their advantage.