Old friend

"Alyssa?" Elias asked her as he peered at her. He didn't want to worry her too much, but she had to understand that this was what they needed to do next.

Any decision that they made was risky, but this one could end of all this sooner rather than later.

Alyssa stared at him for a few seconds, looking wary. Her face then softened, and then she nodded to him.

"Okay. Let's go with your plan," she told him.

Elias smiled gratefully at her. Her opinion mattered the most to him. It always would because they were two parts to a whole. He refused to do this without her.

"Thank you," he told her. He needed her support for this. With her having his back, he felt like he could do anything.

Plus, he didn't want to let her down. He looked over at Scott, knowing that he would never fully win him over. Scott was too stubborn and set in his own ways.

Scott eyed Elias for a few seconds before clenching his jaw and shaking his head.