The fight (1)

Elias glanced over at Melina, thinking back to the fight that they already had with Alaric. Maybe if Helena hadn't been there, they could've taken Alaric down, but he couldn't confirm that now.

Who knew what would've happened? Maybe they would've gotten lucky and beaten him, or maybe Alaric would've destroyed all of them.

"We have a chance. If we can find out where Alaric is, maybe we can get the jump on him and catch him off guard,"

Elias explained. He wasn't sure if that plan would totally work, but it gave them a chance. That was all they needed. They could turn a chance into a victory.

Lily turned to Melina.

"I didn't think that you would ever face him again. Last time… you were a mess," she said with a soft tone to her voice.

Melina lowered her eyes slightly as she nodded.

"I was, but I'm stronger now. I can take him," she replied before looking over at me. "With Elias' help."