Meeting Alaric

Alyssa fell asleep around midnight, while Elias stayed wide awake, staring at the ceiling.

The sound of bugs chirping and cars driving by sounded from outside of the motel room, shadows passing by the window every few minutes. It was time.

Part of Elias wanted to stay in the bed and hold Alyssa close. They could just hide out here until the morning, but then Melina would want to talk.

They would come up with another plan that would endanger everyone, and he would go through this painful process all over again. He couldn't stay.

Carefully, Elias slipped out from under Alyssa, placing her arm back down on the mattress. He stepped away from her before pausing and looking back down at her.

Sadness swept over him like a wave, crashing through him when he realized that this could possibly be the last time that he ever saw her.