Fighting alone

Elias whipped around to see Alaric sitting on the checkout counter. His heart jumped up into his throat as he stumbled back, preparing to defend himself.

He did willingly come here, but he wasn't going down without a fight. He didn't come here to give up. He came here to try to spare his friends.

"We need to talk," he said once he got his bearings.

Alaric chuckled as he tilted his head at Elias.

"Talk? We don't do much talking," he replied as he hopped off the counter, his boots hitting the ground with a heavy thump.

Elias tightened his fingers into fists, making himself ready for anything. He didn't trust Alaric in the slightest.

"I wanted to propose something to you," he said. He wasn't sure if Alaric would take him up on it, but he could at least try. He owed it to his friends to try.

"Propose what?" Alaric asked, looking intrigued.