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Scott's mother and father smiled at each other before turning to keep listening to Elias.

"He was firm in his beliefs. Maybe that made him stubborn, but he could be reliable too,"

Elias continued as a hint of a smile crossed his face. "I'm grateful for what he did. I'll never forget him."

Melina lifted her hand to gently wipe her tears away with a light sniffle.

Elias nodded to the speaker before moving back to his spot with Alyssa, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

There was more to say about Scott, but he wanted to keep some things to himself. He wanted to remember Scott in his own way because the experiences that he had with Scott were unique and different from everyone else's.

The rest of the funeral flew by. Everyone said their goodbyes before Scott's coffin was lowered into the ground and everyone dispersed.