Marry you

"We're all family," he told her as he put his arm around Alyssa's shoulders. "And you and Tyler are welcome to come visit any time."

Melina smiled.

"We'll definitely take you up on that," she said with a nod. She then glanced behind her at Tyler as he drove the RV. "I should go sit with him."

Elias nodded, watching her crawl into the passenger seat before turning to Alyssa. He leaned his head against hers with a soft sigh.

"Finally, we get to go home soon," he said. He couldn't wait for things to go back to normal, but he also wanted some things to change as well.

He wanted to deepen his relationships. He didn't know how much he had left on this planet, and he wasn't going to waste a single second.

"To our own bed," Alyssa said with a coy smile.

Elias chuckled and nodded. He missed the little things too. As he gazed into her eyes, a surge of emotion struck him.