Kill them

Blair smiled at him, but she looked nearly frozen with fear as she did so.

"I think she just needs a little push, sir," she replied as she gestured to Benjamin.

"Whatever sick game you're playing, I don't want to be a part of it! I'm not going after you," Melina said firmly, trying to detach herself from this situation.

She didn't want to be sucked into this nightmare. Ignorance seemed like complete bliss at this point, and she would rather be happy than torn apart. She doubted that she had a choice, though.

Alaric walked closer to Benjamin, stopping behind him. He placed his hand on the back of Benjamin's neck.

"I want to see how strong you are. That's the only way I can see if you're worth the trouble of my game," Alaric said coldly before squeezing his hand and crushing Benjamin's neck.

Benjamin toppled over without a sound, staring at the floor lifelessly.