
Tyler cried out in pain, gripping his head as a loud ringing noise filled it. He was distracted from the fight, only able to focus on the pain that gripped him.

Blair punched him in the cheek to knock him off her. She rolled on top of him, securing her hands around his throat and pumping him full of shocks.

Melina stared at Tyler on the ground as he seized, his eyes starting to roll back. She couldn't stand there and let another person that she loved die. She had to do something.

Anything! With a shout, she ran at Blair, knocking her off Tyler and absorbing some of the shocks herself. She gritted her teeth through them before slamming Blair's head down against the floor.

Blair cried out in pain, trying to fight her way out from under Melina, who refused to budge.

Melina grabbed the sides of Blair's head and shot electricity into her.

"Give up! Promise to not hurt anyone else!" she shouted at her former friend.