Darkest moments

She hoped that she could pull that off. Her fear not only tried to hold her back, but it actually motivated her a little too. She didn't want to feel so helpless. She wanted to be her own force, to take him by surprise if he ever tried to lay a hand on her.

It seemed like a far off dream, but she wanted to be stronger so that she could protect Tyler too.

Melina laid down in her bed and stared up at the ceiling. Everything felt different. She knew that things were going to change after graduation, but she didn't think that she would lose Benjamin and be forced to go into hiding for a while.

She still wanted to live a good life, and she hoped that she was still able to achieve that with Tyler by her side.

With a shaky sigh, her eyes fluttered shut. She needed to rest, to mentally prepare herself for the next wave of guilt and grief. It knocked her off her feet every time.