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"Thanks. It's… hard. I'm just having a hard time getting back to normal," she explained. Lily had always been her big sister figure, giving her advice and guidance. She could really use some of that now from someone who knew her well.

"Your normal is going to be different now. It doesn't mean that it's always bad, though," Lily replied before gesturing for Melina to sit down on the bed with her.

She took Melina's hands in hers, giving them a squeeze. "What matters are the people you love, your own wellbeing, and the goals that you want to achieve."

Melina sighed and nodded. Like usual, Lily had a good point. It was just hard to take words and thoughts and make them into actions. She could think about what she wanted and needed to do all day, but actually doing them was a whole other story.

"Graduation is soon. Exams are coming up," Melina said quietly. "I can't find it in me to study or do much of anything. I feel… paralyzed."