
"Be careful whom you trust, even the devil was once an angel"



"Gaurda! Cosa abbiamoqui? Un piccolo gattino spaventatao. Non vuoi dire ciao al tuo nuovo pandrone?"

(Look! What we have here? A scared little kitten. Won't you say hello to your new master?)

He chuckled vilely while scanning her dainty body from head to toe like a bloodthirsty hound while showing his chiseled canines. Her frail limbs started quivering in agitation as she heard his deep and husky voice...though she wasn't able to comprehend his words but the way he pronounced each syllable with a sneer, it was enough to make her blood run cold and an intense fear started seeping inside her flesh...

His lips twitched into a vile smirk on seeing her eyes widening with fright shuddering her whole body and involuntarily she took a step back when her flickering gaze landed on the shiny metallic object held in his gloved hand which was aimed at the forehead of the old lady who was silently sniveling in surrender, totally lying at the mercy of his men. His two cunning henchman, standing behind him in all black attire, were holding her poor limbs in their vicelike grip and another bastard was clamping her mouth shut with a force that it might stifle her...

Tears of fear and aggression abruptly started gushing out of her eyes and without wasting even the fraction of a second, she sharply turns around and pitched forward, sprinting up the stairs but before her feet could make contact with the last stair, unfortunately a large hand swiftly grabs her feet in a throttle hold and drags her down the stairs with a force that she immediately tumbles down and fell on the wooden surface with her bruised body being dragged like a ragdoll by the foul barbaric beast...

Throwing her body pitilessly on the floor, he crouched his study legs near her limp bloodied face and staring deep into her teary eyes, he let out a nasty humorous laugh.

"I hate fiesty and disobedient street kittens...!",he hissed venomously near her ear with his warm breath fanning her face making her internally shudder with fear. But before she could cower herself in the corner, he instantly grabs her slender long neck in a tight iron grip and started asphyxiating her by applying more pressure on her throat, almost trying to choke her to death...

Her teary eyes started rolling in the back of her head and when the pain became immensely unbearable, she immediately started thrashing her hands and feets violently in air in an attempt to free herself from his clutches while audibly coughing and gasping for air...

She even started scraping out his skin with her nails to let go of her throat but instantly a sharp excruciating pain started shooting through her whole body when she felt his grip tightening more around her neck with his nails digging deep inside her tender skin, almost trying to break her windpipe and scrape out her scarlet flesh and soon blackdots started appearing in front of her vision...

But before she could lose her consciousness, a loud voice resonated inside the dimly lit hallway and he abruptly let go of her neck, followed by a deadly and tense silence that started pursing in the whole atmosphere...

Her fragile body started trembling vigorously like a dear caught in red light with extreme fear while panic started settling inside her body and mind when she noticed his face has turned sideways with a faint red blemish of her fingerprints on his left cheek!!

"I'-I'm s-sorr..y...I..."

Instantly a loud gasp escaped her quivering lips when she looked at his emerald orbs that were pitch dark, blazing with extreme fury while a blue vein popped out of his forehead. Snapping his neck towards her pale face, he shot her a murderous glare while caressing his bruised cheeks and whispered "Wrong move kitten!!!",and immediately gave a loud hard blow on her jaw, instantly knocking her out...

"Throw her body in the backseat!! I'll be there in a minute after sorting out this mess!",his men nodded while one of them hoisting her limp body on his back like a sack of potato and marched outside towards a black SUV parked near to the house. Opening it's sliding door, he threw her roughly in the backseat and locking it from inside, he himself hopped on the driver's seat followed by another man carrying an HK416 in his bulky arms who hopped on the adjacent seat and the former one immediately pulled the car towards their secretive base.

"Dude, ya know! This bitch is really damn hot...After our boss will be satisfied with this fuckin' slave then we'll make her our personal whore and will fuck her till her brain knocks out...!",the latter one chortled on his execrable comment while eyeing her body lying unconscious on the backseat.

"Shut up Bastard! If our boss got to know about your evil intentions regarding his pet then he'll surely decapitate you!! Level your thoughts to yourself only", the former one snapped gnashing his teeth with a frown etching on his stoic face while keeping his attention on the road, ahead...

"Arghh!! You're such a mood spoiler Dan! Come on man, What's wrong have I even uttered? I've only said that I'll make her my personal whore AFTER HE'LL THROW HER AWAY!! That's all!!", he snorted looking back at his now poker face that held no emotion at all.

"You're looking at that Oak tree. Beside that, there's an overhead bridge across! I'll return in a few minutes...I have to deliver these packets to the Saunders! Keep an eye on the girl and don't act reckless otherwise there'll be no morning for you tomorrow!!!",Dan snickered while getting out of the car and in a few seconds, disappeared in the dense fog and darkness...


Aurora's POV:

My eyes fluttered open with a sharp pain shooting through my whole body, specially my face that had almost turned numb and swollen. My mind held dizziness while my vision was a bit blurry but as the time progressed, my vision started getting clearer... Instantly my gaze swept across the unfamiliar atmosphere. It was a freaking car!! Those bastards abducted me??,my eyes started getting blurry again with tears when I heard some shuffling noise around me. 

I looked over to see a man in all jet black shirt carrying an armed rifle sitting on the front seat with his back facing me and the driver's seat was absolutely vacant! I slowly lowered my gaze to see a Screw driver placed in between the hollow space of the two seats...Should I use it? But what if he shoots me?? He has a gun and he seems to be extremely trained and powerful!! It won't take him long to get away with a girl like me! My heart started thumping wildly against my chest... But...It's either this time or never!!,my subconscious snapped. If you won't use this chance to run away then eventually he'll skin you alive!! My hands and legs started shaking in anxiety and fear...I wasn't able to decide that what should I do? It was a choice between the devil and the deep sea while the time was rapidly slipping away from my hands...

Grabbing all the fragments of the courage I had left in me, I heaved a deep sigh and when I saw his attention distracted from the windshield for a split second, I sneakingly took the screw driver in my trembling hands and swiftly hid it under my top while tugging it inside my jeans firmly...

Crawling my body near to the side door while sweating profusely in fear, I slowly placed my quivering hands on the door handle while trying to calm my senses and as I tried to open it, a loud creak resonated inside the whole damn car!!!!

Oh shit!!! His face, covered with a black cloth, immediately snapped towards my direction and before I could even think to run, he instantly throws his gun aside and opening the side door within seconds,he hopped in with his hazel eyes scary as hell! 

But before he could even harm a hair on my head, my hands involuntarily went inside my jeans and pulling the deadly weapon out, I stabbed it into his right thigh without thinking, and instantly a loud piercing shriek escaped from his throat...

I looked at his stabbed wound in horror where dark scarlet liquid started oozing out instantly bathing the whole seat with his blood!! My eyes widened in panic, the moment when I noticed few drops of his blood sprinted on my grey sweat shirt too making my mind go completely blank...

"Bitch!! I'll kill you!!!",he barked aggressively while leaning towards me to attack and out of reflex, I stabbed the screw driver again, deep into his flesh but this time in his left thigh earning another loud shriek from his throat while his body went completely still and harmless...as he sprawled back on the seat groaning in pain...!

While clamping a hand on my mouth to control my sobs, I instantly slided the side door and jumped out, scampering through the dark alley on the cold desolated highway amidst the dense fog when suddenly I heard a loud voice of footsteps approaching towards me almost running hurriedly and instantly I heard someone's distant yelling and my legs froze on it's own accord...


Hola and happy mafia Monday...

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Stay healthy and safe reading...
