"I'll punish you in the darkest way possible that even you're soul will tremble by the mere thought of escape"


"Torna qui Ragazza!!!(Come back here girl!!!)",I heard a distant yelling followed by the sight of a dark shadow approaching towards me...

"NO!!!! S...ST...OP!!! Pl....Ah!!!!",a loud yelp escaped my quivering lips on seeing a robust human figure running towards me with the lightening speed through the dark alley... 

He abruptly halted few metres away and beckoned me to come over there. My heart that was palpitating terribly against my ribcage few moments ago, somewhat started slowing down when I noticed that he wasn't trying to pull out any act against me!!

I was dubious if the man was one of the mafia's men because he wasn't having any mask covering his nostrils, not he was loaded with any weapon! He was a tall yet bulky man though his gestures weren't looking Attackive...! But his language? It wasn't English!!

I was completely whacked after running like a mad dog but I cannot trust a complete stanger, specially when he's speaking any other language and God knows if he's one of the mafia's men. I signalled him through my hands to back off but he didn't buzzed a bit from his place. 

My mind Immediately went on an alarm mode when I noticed him striding towards me with heavy steps...

"ENOUGH OF YOUR CAT MOUSE CHASE BITCH!!! COME BACK HERE SILENTLY OTHERWISE I'LL HANG YOU UP ALIVE AND FUCKING NAKED ON THAT OAK TREE!!!", My eyes instantly widened while my breathings became ragged in trepidation. He was indeed a mafia man!! His icy execrable tone sent shivers down my spine and instantly without thinking, I sprinted towards the woods...

Running in the wild amidst the frost for like fifteen minutes, panting hard while my lungs running short of breath, I looked back to see no one following me nor I was able to hear any sound of the footsteps...

I sighed in relief and slouched against the ground covered with a thin film of ice where there was no sign of any mankind or animal wandering in the gloomy and frosty night!

My body slowly started growing cold and numb with my teeth chattering involuntarily due to sitting in a heat deprived area with nothing else than birches and oaks...My body slowly started shutting down after shuddering in intense frigid air and giving my top a hitch, I closed my eyes letting the eternal darkness consume me...

After few seconds, I felt a heavy burden on my shoulder which started intensifying each second making me wake up suddenly with a jerk!! I started panting hard while looking around with fear creeping into my soul when my eyes got fixed on a pair of leather boots behind me...


"I...see...you...from... behind...",the creepy man rhymed in a spooky whisper and that was when my heartbeat stopped as I saw his sturdy dark frame like that of a scarecrow leaning towards me with an eerie smirk playing on his lips...




Author's POV:


"Dov'è la mia bambola Calvino?"(Where is my doll Calvino?), a deep authorative voice reverberated in the entire dimlit foul smelling basement with several metallic chains and leather belts dangling on the wall...

The insentient man named Calvino nodded with a poker face, shifting from his spot and walking out of the room, he came back while dragging an insensible body ruthlessly by her hair all along the dirty floor of the basement with blood oozing from the deep cut near her forehead and her nose bleeding profusely from the deadly punches she received until she was knocked out!!

Yanking her unconscious body unceremoniously by her hair; he hurled her towards kayden's feet, making a loud groan escape her lips as soon as her face made contact with the sole of his leather shoes; tearing the tender skin of her lips apart...

She layed there wretched near his shoes; groaning in unbearable pain of the harrowing torture that was inflicted onto her body by the merciless man whom she'd stabbed few moments ago; in defence! 

Kayden looked down at the girl squirming in agony with impassive expression and instantly walked away from her bloodied body; sprawled on the floor while signalling one of his men to dump her body in the dreary cold dungeon after treating her wounds to prevent infection. He doesn't want his pet to get any sort deadly disease or infection at any cost!!

"Che ne hai fatto del mio animale domestico, fottuto cane? You've ruined her beautiful body!! Have I fuckin' ordered you to play with my bitch!!!"(What have you done with my pet, you fucking dog?), Kayden hissed while punching Calvino hard on his jaw. Calvino stood there unfazed with his head hung low while bearing the intense pain of his dislocated jaw but he didn't argued back or resisted his punch, bearing it silently without letting a squeak escape his bleeding lips...

"S-She stabbed me twice w-with the screw driver!",he finally uttered; looking straight into his emerald green eyes which turned a shade darker on hearing his words!!

"A mere fragile girl has stabbed my trained caporegime?",he let out a dark humourless chuckle while patting his shoulders sarcastically and instantly a loud yelp escaped from his lips making kayden's lips twitch into a vile smirk.

"ARE YOU FUCKIN' TRYIN' SAY THAT THE BITCH WAS MORE MANLY AND BRAVE THAN A WELL TRAINED MAFIA MAN??",he growled gnashing his wild teeth and instantly increased the pressure of the knife on his already stabbed wound!!

"Dan! Train this pup well! It's still a fuckin' baby!!, Kayden hissed kicking his wound with the sole of his shoes making a loud deafening shriek escape his trembling lips...





Aurora POV:

"How're you my dear guest Aurora? Or should I say how're you my dear little bitch? Had any problem while coming here?",my body internally cringed at his malicious chuckle and I could see his evil smirk widening through my blurry vision. My body was completely exhausted and in extreme pain to be able lift a muscle or atleast backfire at the beast...

"Sorry babes, my man was a bit harsh on you earlier but from now onwards this is your new home and get used to such unusual treatments! If you'll obey my orders like a good little bitch that you are already than things will be alot easier for you as well as for me!! I don't like tarnishing your tender and silky smooth skin with ugly bruises and cuts...",he replied caressing my bruised cheeks with his dirty calloused hands while wiping my tears away, he looked straight into my teary eyes with an emotionless stare and immediately let out a deep sarcastic and evil laugh...

"Fuck! You're such a pathetic bitch!!! Remain like one forever. I like seeing you submissive...",he hissed making more tears roll down my cheeks...

Before I could turn my face away from his scary emerald orbs, he instantly held my chin in an vicelike grip. Immediately sticking his tongue out, he forcefully licked the skin near my chin; finally pecking my cheeks and left my face with a jerk making my jaws hurt painfully...while I felt ants crawling on my skin in disgust; feeling his filthy tongue on my skin!!

"Fuck your sorry and you Asshole!!! I'm not your bloody slave!!",I spat with an immense fury burning inside me while heaving a heavy breath to calm my throbbing nerves...

"Ascolta puttana!!!(Listen Bitch!!!) It's your first time in here so I'm letting go of your disobedience so don't try to fucking test my patience here!!!You'll remain in here as my bound slave whether you like it or not till I get my hands on that bloody motherf*cker Richard!! And yes...Don't think of escaping because next time you won't have legs to walk!! I'll love to crush them...",he replied with a sinister smirk playing on his lips while leaning towards my face to peck my cheeks again when god knows what occupied me that I kicked him in the groin with all my might; immediately sprinting away in fear from his sturdy tall frame groaning in pain while holding his balls...

Instantly my heart stopped beating and immense tears started gushing out of my eyes uncontrollably followed by loud hiccups; the moment my eyes landed on his bloodshot emerald orbs that screamed immense hatred towards me; making my body tremble abruptly under his intense bloodthirsty gaze!

"N-n...n...nooo!!! I-I'm so...sorr..."

"Shhh!!!!DON'T CRY BABYGIRL! I'LL REWARD YOU TONIGHT FOR YOUR FUCKIN' GUTS TO KICK ME THAT YOU'LL NEVER FORGET TILL YOUR LAST BREATH!!! Come on bitch! Who's gonna save you from me now??? Even the walls will close their ears after hearing your heart piercing and deafening scream but won't be able to save you!!!" 


Hola Readers and Happy Mafia Thursday!

Hope you liked the update!

Comment your feedbacks too fellas ❤️