"Richard had been spotted near the city's gas station along with some armed men accompanying him but those weren't the Aquilas. Instead he was one of the Saunders!",Andrew spoke firmly while handing him few photographs where the back and side face of Richard was clearly visible through the tinted glass.

"Dan is following his car along with our few trained Caporegimes and very soon, his collar will finally be in our hold",Andrew smirked evilly while gulping down his iced scotch.

"Finally that motherfucker will understand, what does it mean to mess with the Viperas! And those bloody Saunders, my hands are itching to destroy them",he replied laughing maliciously while leashing the brunette topless petite girl sitting on her knees, only in her panties who kept whimpering in pain whenever the leash was landing on her bare front and back, making the whole room reverberate under her agonizing scream...

"Good job Andrew! But don't rush into executing your plan of taking revenge on Saunders rather than focussing on our major frontline projects. We have an auction this week! Remember to keep an eye on our traitor's activities and if someone tries to create any mess, I want them all DEAD!! Understood?",he raised an eyebrow while clinking his champagne glass against his.

"Don't worry boss! I've already assigned my men for that task and if these bitches...",he looked at the girl sitting near his knees, sobbing while rubbing her sore and bruised skin and landing another leash on her already wounded skin, he added slurring due to the alcohol in his system,"I'll not hesitate to break their legs this time!!"

"Better but remember not to marr their skin much with wounds. It's valuable you know!",he finally stood up emptying the whole bottle of Champagne and started walking towards his study when Andrew abruptly stopped him by asking,"Is your little new slave Aurora also on the list of this year's auction?"

Kayden immediately stiffened hearing her name.

"No! Selling virgin girls isn't our way of doing business Andrew! Keep this in mind!!", uttering this, he left towards his study.

He started walking towards the stairs when his gaze abruptly landed on a figure lying half conscious on the floor. Her eyes were closed but her lips were trembling from the extreme cold temperature of the hall with chilly winds rustling through the scarlet drapes. Her body was shaking convulsively from the lack of warmth but instantly tearing his gaze away, he started walking upstairs without feeling an ounce of pity on her feverish numb state. Why would he? Afterall she was entitled to be a slave, not queen!!

After few minutes, Margaret came near to her unconscious body and sitting beside her, she started tapping her cheeks lightly to get some response. She was feeling bad for the girl who was being pushed into the world of Slavery just like her but she was somewhat astonished by her act of bravery to defy her master's order for her sake! To save her!! I mean who in this world can put their hand intentionally in the alligator's mouth? Either she's crazy or extremely brave...but her bravery isn't worth this hell!

She was burning with high fever and what hasn't gone unnoticed by her intuitive gaze was the dried blood staining the area in between her legs that were slightly parted and her lace panties were visible through it that were also stained with her blood.

Has master raped her? She gasped as this thought crossed her mind and instantly her heart swelled with grief and pity for the poor girl whose skin was all covered in deep cuts and bruises, bluish bitemarks adorning her fare skin, looking extremely pale and skinny, her collar bone prominent like if she was starving for days...

"Were you asked to stay by her side, Slave?",she immediately flinched hearing his deep authorative voice coming through the stairs and started instantly hyperventilating in fear and trepidation.

Her senses froze to function when she looked at his emerald orbs that were burning in immense fury while his face was ever hard and stoic, showing a neutral expression but only she knew what was awaiting for her.

Clenching her trembling fists, she lightly shook her head and instantly scurried away from the girl only to be rooted in her spot when he started walking towards her direction with the sound of his footsteps echoing in the hushed silence of the dreary hall.

"Wait for me upstairs on all fours and no clothes! And don't forget to put on your collar. Now get the fuck lost!!!",he whispered darkly in an atrocious voice while walking towards the girl sprawled on the floor like a dead body.

Placing an arm around her cold frame, he gently lifted her body from the ground and scooped her in his arms, securing her head against his chest. Her burning forehead and icy cold skin was making a weird sensation in his heart and instantly his gaze landed on her angelic face that look so peerless and calm in the night. Her lips were slightly parted and out of nowhere, he gently placed his warm lips on her quivering one, sealing her lips into a firm kiss and instantly pulled away when he felt her body growing less tensed under his warmness.

Placing her body gently on his warm and fluffy mattress as he proceeded to leave, his gaze abruptly landed on her blood stained thighs...

Aurora POV:

"Kayden! It's just her monthly periods...No she isn't raped! Nothing happened to her",I heard an anonymous feminine voice speak in a hushed tone but loud enough to seep inside my eardrums...

Are they talking about me? I slowly fluttered my eyes open, adjusting my gaze in the light only to close it again when I felt a spearing pain splitting my forehead into two.

"Oh!",I heard him speak and instantly my heartbeat started exhilarating wildly. He was near me!! Sitting up with a jolt, I found two pairs of eyeballs staring at me.

"Are you fine? I've already prescribed you few fever and cramps relieving pills. Take them on time and do rest!", the lady sitting beside me spoke. She was somewhat looking familiar...cold sweat started dripping profusely from my forehead when my vision landed on her eyes. They were the same as that devil's were, deep forest green emerald orbs!

"Sleep kitten! Don't try to create nuisance for us. Already you've created much!!",he spoke in a deep husky voice almost sneering in irritation and instantly sprawled on the couch in front of me while maintaining his bone chilling intense gaze on my face.

"I suggest you to take a warm shower and change into these comfy...",I spoke before she could speak any further,"Do you treat all your slaves like this, inhumane. First you torture and punish them, play with their dignity and than act as if you care about them. Pull off your facade of fake concern for me!! I don't need it...",I scoffed while tearing my gaze away from her face in disgust.

How can she be an angel in disguise in this rotting hell? All are same here, heartless monsters in the body of humans...

"Bellice, leave! Enough of your concern for this worthless girl!!",he seethed venomously almost pushing her out of the room before she could open her mouth to utter anything, he slammed the door shut.

Swiveling around, he started proceeding towards me with serious predatory steps and with a deadly frown engraved on his face which was more than enough for my body to go on an alert mode.

My limbs started trembling feverishly while my pupils were dilating in extreme fear when my gaze landed on his hands caressing the edge of his leather belt and in an instant, it wall in his hold.

"Strip and lie flat on your stomach!! And don't try to pull out any of your bitchy stunts just like the previous ones otherwise your punishment will get tripled!!! STRIP NOW!!!"

Hola and happy Mafia Saturday,

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