"Fuck you",she spat angrily while clawing his arm wildly that held the belt with her nails digging deep inside his flesh, causing a painful grunt to resonate in the whole room.

He shot her a murderous glare, getting out of the bed almost instantly without uttering a word and moved out of the room immediately. Her elevated heartbeat started maintaining its rythm back with his retreating footsteps whose sounds eventually faded after a while...

She clutched the comforter close to her chest and started thinking about the horrible incidents that took place after she was welcomed here unwillingly. What has she done to deserve such harsh punishment of enslavement?

Is there not any way to get out of here? Or will she be entrapped in this dreary mansion forever, being his slave the entire life?

She was about to be leashed brutally on her naked flesh of the back by that barbaric killer!!

Her family would have been missing her utterly? How her father would be living without her? She didn't know where her grandma was and how was she being treated by those ugly monsters.

After a while, she started hearing heart-wrenching and utterly loud screams of a woman and instantly her limbs started quivering vigorously.

It was Margaret's voice, the girl whom she saw sitting close to her numb body during her half conscious state, looking at her with concerned eyes.

Thought it to be all a dream or probably it was but the piercing cries were touching the strings of her heart. She wasn't ever involved in such horrendous acts ever and her cries that were intensifying with each passing second were making her eyes teary and her heart ache.

She involuntary moved towards the source of the scream, sprinting towards the dark alley while tryin' her best to step on the wooden floor without letting a creak to resonate in the empty alley.

As she was nearing to the room, her palms went to her ears abruptly to prevent from hearing those depressing shreeches from entering her ear canal.

Little did she expected that she was extremely unprepared to witness the scene unfolding in front of the eyes. Her throat parched and goosebumps wrinkled her skin in extreme fright.

Her heart started palpitating vigorously against her ribcage, constricting and blocking her air passage, causing her to suffocate and gasp wildly due to the shortage of oxygen supply inside of her lungs.

Fresh tears started brimming the edges of her eyelashes.

Margaret was lying on the bed on her back with her mouth oozing blood, saliva and what she presumed to be his c*m. Her mascara marred cheeks were swollen with bluish handprints visible on her stained cheeks, her tears disappearing in the satin sheets.

She was stripped naked with only garter stockings and scarlet high strap heels on.

He was pumping inside her, roughly from behind while leashing her naked flesh of the back with the belt which was being tied around his wrist along with the dangling chains of her collar, tightly choking her neck making her cough vigorously from the impact.

She was gasping audibly for even minute bits of air and he was enjoying it very much. Loud grunts were escaping his throat as he was increasing his pace along with increasing the frequency of leashing.

"Will you again disrespect me for that little bitch? Will you again go near her?? SPEAK!!!",he roared violently, landing the belt on her sore butt cheeks one last time before she whispered,"N-No!",and passed out in front of her eyes.

He pulled out his length after a while only to rub it on the entrance of her dry ass and in one forceful push, he was completely inside her, his abrupt thrust caused her body to jerk involuntarily and a loud agonizing shriek reverberated in the whole room.

"St-stop!!",Aurora whispered, not being able to witness the horrendous acts of brutality, imagining herself in the place of Margaret. Her heart was not like him that remains unfazed, seeing a person's will to live shredding into pieces...

His neck snapped immediately towards the source of the whisper only to see Aurora standin' in a shady nook, her hands quivering while she was silently whispering, pleading to him with her teary eyes.

"Aurora Wilston!",she instantly froze hearing her name from his mouth. Not surprised that he knew her name but because he's called her by name for the first time.

"Came to say hello to your dear friend who is being punished here because of you?",he scoffed in a mocking tone while letting out an evil laugh and immediately got away from her and started approaching towards Aurora who was looking at him with quizzical gaze.

Leaning towards her, he gently grabbed her nape and whispered,"You're so pure and innocent sweetheart. I've never seen one such beauty with brain as well as courage.

But I'm the definition of a devil. Things that are beautiful are always kept caged inside glasses and...",he looked deep into her ocean blue orbs and kissing her forehead, he added,"you my pretty girl, you'll be caged inside these walls forever, available only for me to admire, to lust and to break."

"A beautiful flower looks beautiful in garden only not inside your houses. A bird looks beautiful in forest only not behind those metallic cages and a woman looks beautiful only with grace, confidence and respect not standing behind men with their heads bowed",she replied confidently while looking into his emerald luscious green orbs that turned a shade darker on hearing her words.

"Kitten! Your claws have rather turned very sharp but let me do some generosity. Let me award you for your act of bravery and fiestiness with some trophy or with some offer?

What if I propose you to free every slave from here except you but on a very different condition than the previous one which you dismissed, roughly!",he smirked when she stiffened immediately and abruptly pushed him with a force and he played along, stumbling back a bit.

He laughed heartily while eyeing her scrunched face and a pink hue was taunting her round cheeks.

"Don't worry, this won't be humiliating to you so called ego and self respect!!",his sly smirk was giving her negative signals but she nodded, atleast looking at the poor Margaret who was not looking less pathetic than a dead rotting corpse.

"And also this collar would never be around your slick neck again!",he replied caressing her collar bone.

She obviously didn't noticed the collar till now and abruptly tears started gushing out of her eyes. She whimpered suddenly while shoving her face in her palm only to make him frown in shock.

"I'll a-agree only when I'll listen...I'll listen to your condition. You're no kind-hearted and trust worthy man to believe. I-I don't trust you!",she spat shooting him a glare through her bloodshot eyes.

The muscles of his jaw ticked hearing her plucky comment but rather than showing his beastly demeanor, he inhaled a deep breath through his flaring nostrils and nodded.

"You'll be my wife! You'll have to marry me to let them go!!",his words immediately made her gasp in shock and she involuntarily backed away instantly, her back hitting the wall harshly while he swiftly trapped her in between the walls through his bulky thick arms.

"Are you sure you're that brave to make me your husband? Can you play with fire kitten?",he smirked slyly with an evil glint in his blazing emerald orbs, only to elevate her already speeding heartbeat.

Hola lovelies,

I got recently vaccinated day before yesterday for COVID 19 so updates were slightly late as I had slight fever because of the dose of Covishield.

But now I'll keep my updates on track.

Stay healthy, safe reading and press the ⭐ button and drop your views.