Aurora POV:

Your Innocence? Do you have one? You're not innocent. You're a vile slut!!

"I silently ensured his every nasty taunts and tortures till the moment he trampled my innocence mercilessly... 

Now that Aurora who was his Innocent wife, keeping her hopes high to gain his love and trust is dead!! This Aurora only wants the price for playing with her dignity",I looked at my grandmother whose eyes were pooled with immense tears and she was blinking her eyelids frequently to blink away the tears that were streaming after hearing my painful past.

"Aurora, beware dear because you're too young to fight against a criminal like him as well as he's the father of your unborn child which is an inevitable truth. I'm not saying that you shouldn't punish him but the path you're choosing can burn you too in the process. 

Remember, revenge is a two edged sword and I'm not fearing about you because I know that you're a brave spirit to not give up but I'm worried about the life growing inside you...",she tried to convince me with her pleading eyes but I've decided and I'll not back this time. Not before making him shed blood instead of tears!!

"I don't care now! Have you forgotten that the trauma I'm undergoing each day is gifted by none other than Kayden Romero? I'm still unable to sleep every night. His bloody face and gruesome voice created a havoc in my life that probably I won't be able to forget ever in my life, however hard I try. 

The pills also cannot erase the horrible memories imprinted on my soul. Never in my life I'll forgive him!!",she sighs embracing me from the side and whispers something while patting my back",Will you not tell him about the baby? He's the fathe..."

"No! He's lost the chance of being called a father. A rapist and a murderer can never be a father. This baby is only mine and I won't let anyone to snatch it away from me. 

I'll always keep it away forever from his devilious shadow",she slowly raised her hands and caressed my wet cheeks which I didn't noticed were damp with tears. I sniffled her motherly scent which was a medicine for calming and soothing my throbbing nerves.

"Does anyone know about your pregnancy besides me?",she asked with a frown, her wrinkles deepening.

"Arielle!",I whispered and she gave me a confusing look.

"A teenage girl working in the mansion. Don't worry, she's trustworthy and definitely not possessing coal heart as of her master!! She aided in my runaway from that hellish prison",she wasn't convinced enough with my answer.

"Do you think Kayden wasn't knowing about all this? Don't be naive sweetheart, I'm sure that the mansion would be highly secured with security alarm system latched at every nook of the house. Even you haven't reached here all by your feet but his men only has dropped you here. 

You can make him legally pay for his sins but what's the fault of this child? Don't keep this hidden from him. You know how it feels to not see your own blood!",her words scratched my old wounds and replenished my long forgotten painful memories of my mother and even if I tried my best, the tears weren't ceasing from flowing.

"I-I'm sorry but I can't...",I whispered and left the house with my luggage, my tears blurring my vision and I knew that it hurts, however one tries to stay strong but it hurts like hell to know that you're an orphan girl who wasn't lucky enough to see her mother, who was bullied in school and when it came to her husband whom she dreamt of being a prince made her princess a whore!! 

How could I say it proudly that my fate wasn't a traitor? And what can I blame my grandma for when she herself has struggled alot with being a single mother to fulfilling the place of a mother in her granddaughter's life?? As I crossed the threshold of my home, I saw his men standing outside, ofcourse he isn't letting any chance of keeping his nasty eyes on me.

"Mrs. Romero, good evening! Let me carry it for you",he was the same guy who dropped me here. I nodded handing him my bag and sat inside him car. The ride was utterly silent and after few minutes, I was back in front of that grisly mansion. 

Arielle was standing at the door waiting for my arrival and from the smile on her face, I guess she was happy on seeing me but the person I least expected was also standing beside her.

"Mrs. Romero, welcome home! Please come inside",she spoke warmly but there was a noticeable hesitation in her voice, probably thinking of how I'll react seeing that women because of whom my life was shattered forever!! 

Well I don't hold her responsibe, I'm not married to her! 

I nodded stepping inside, a wave of terror creeping inside my heart. Without any further dwelling, I straightly rushed inside my room.

The room was oozing extreme depressing and negative aura reminding me of my ruin and my heart dropped in my chest when my gaze swept across the omnious bed..

I can't sleep here!!

You're a vile slut!! How dare you to hurt my mother bitch?? 

Pl...please kayden...I-It was a...an acc...

I shuffled through the contents of my bag like a crazy maniac to find any tranquilizer. Yes, without it I cannot live because those crazy voices and hallucinations maddens me to an extent that I'm at the verge of losing my sanity.

"Arielle!! Arielle!!!",I screamed her name twice while running out of my room when I bumped into someone at the exit of my room. My eyes got involuntarily closed while my arms were clutched tightly by that someone. My breathings became ragged and my head felt dizzy and immediately everything blackened within a snap.

"So you're back?",a deep voice made it's way to my ears and I very well recognise it. It's the voice of my violater. My heart started palpitating vigorously when I felt a rough hand on my forehead. 

"I know you're awake!",his voice again rang inside my ears. 

"I'm glad that you're back. You're poor old grandmother wasn't being able to sustain your living at her house!!",his dirty voice was followed with a chuckle which made my skin constrict with goosebumps.

"I'm-I'm sorry...",he whispered with his hands travelling down my face to my neck and immediately my eyes shot open and I instantly jerked his execrable hand away landing a loud smack on his bloody face.

"D-don't touch with with your bloody hands bastard!! And fuck your sorry, I don't need it. Save it for the times when your destruction will start!!!",I snapped with my eyes seeing red and instantly slipping out of the couch I was laying on for god knows how long, I sprinted towards the backyard to calm my throbbing nerves.

If not for revenge, I would never step inside this hellish mansion ever again for witnessing those bloody culprits and not being able to do anything. The warm summer air blowing on my skin was somewhat elevating the burden on my chest and my pounding forehead started gradually calming...

But little did I know that his mother was already sitting there on the calabah and staring at the endless space. 

"Mrs. Romero, dinner is laid on the table!!",I heard Arielle's voice from a distance breaking my stare on that women.

"Bring it inside my room and also bring me a spare mattress and sheets afterwards. I'll not sleep on that bed again",I replied back with innumerous thoughts wandering inside my mind...

To destroy him, I'll have to find his weak point but what can it be? His mother? or someone else I'm unaware of? He conceales many things inside his heart so I guess I'll have to first dwell inside his heart!! Don't worry Mr. Romero I'll fulfill all your wishes of being a good submissive wife!!

If you're fire than I'm ice, I'll lose my identity in the process of collision but at the end, I'll diminish your identity too forever...




Hola lovelies,

Happy Mafia Sunday :)

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