After fifteen days,

I haven't seen him after that evening's incident and that's a relief to me.

After having my solo dinner in my room, I took my medicines and as I was about to hit the pillow, I heard some clamouring coming from the living room. I draped a long shawl around my body and came out of my room. 

As I was walking towards the living area, Arielle whispered my name from behind.

"Mrs. Romero, don't go there!",I turned to look at her stressed face with quizzical gaze when she murmured in a suppressed voice,"Actually Mrs. Romero from this evening is not recognising anyone, not even Mr. Kayden nor me! She slaps him away saying that he's not her son and that her son is only thirteen years old, calling her towards him!"

I was thunderstruck by her statement. Forgot her own son? 

"I'-I'm not getting what you're saying! She has dementia?",I asked her, my heart somewhat pitying her condition.

"Hmm, she's an Alzheimer's patient and I guess the trauma made it worse!! According to her doctor, she's having a stage five dementia and needs alot of healthcare and attention",she spoke briskly but in a hushed tone and I couldn't help but feel sorrow for her but somewhat in my mind, only one thing was ringing...

Isn't it karma? Likewise he enslaved me for something my father had probably done similarly now her mother is suffering for something her son has done.

"Oh...! Arielle, go back to your room! I'm also going back shortly after making a coffee for myself",I spoke after thinking a while when she immediately replied,"Let me make it for you Mrs. Romero.."

"No need! Just do as I say...It's already midnight",she finally nodded, retreating back to her room.


Author's POV:

Aurora walked inside the kitchen and started preparing her coffee. While brewing her coffee, she heard heavy footsteps approaching towards the kitchen and a smirk appeared on her lips.

"I got to know about your mother's condition today! I'm really feel sorry for her...",she spoke softly without turning around and for a moment, he was frozen at his place. He hummed in response while gulping a heavy lump formed in his throat and moved towards the platform to grab a glass.

"And I also feel sorry for you", within seconds she was pinned against the wall with her hands twisted around her small frame in front of his sturdy tall personality...

"What're you trying to prove, huh? I very well know the meaning behind these words and I'm giving you freedom doesn't mean that you should forget your place!! 

Don't forget that I'm still the same Kayden Romero who owns you and it wouldn't take much to crush you too like the last time...I hope your peanut brain still remember that night?",he smirks like a malicious bastard and within seconds tears started stinging her eyes. She immediately fluttered her eyelids to blink away her tears when he leans forward and kisses a lone tear slipping against her cheeks.

"Look, you're still the same pathetic kitten!",he seethed venomously while increasing the force on her wrists but she didn't backed away this time. 

"I wasn't pathetic but you made me. You enslaved me against my will, you forced me into marriage and at the end you snatched away my most precious treasure, my innocence...Aren't you pathetic Kayden? Do you think that I'm a fool to not see your worry regarding your mother? 

How'd you feel if someone kidnaps her than enslaves her and at the end rapes h...",she couldn't complete her sentence when a loud backhand smack landed her face causing her cheeks to get bruised and swollen and her face was twisted sideways from the impact.

"What a two faced gameplay of you Mr. Romero! You're a fucking coward dog and a mamma's evil baby who loves to play and destroy women's life but let me warn you..what you've done just now would have a pay back along with interest plus your previous sins very soon. 

Just not only you're losing your mother, you'll not be able to take your future child in your embrace ever in your life. This will be your biggest punishment!! You'll never know a family's meaning because you'll never have one!!",she screamed, her voice trembling with fury mixed along with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Punishment,huh? Who'll stop me from taking what's mine already? My child will be mine only, no one else's...understood? So it'll be me who'll decide whether his or her mom is necessary in their life or not!!",he blurted out coldly while gazing at her teary eyes with an impassive look.

As if realising something, he left her hand immediately with a jerk while clutching the glass tightly and in a flick of time, he smashed it hard against the counter, the fragile element instantly breaking into pieces causing her to flinch at it's intensity.

"Never try to step on my throbbing nerves ever again! This is my last warning to you and I'm...sorry for whatever happened that night...It was an accident!!",he spoke in a detached tone without looking at her and immediately strode outside.

Walking near his balcony, he took out a sobranie from his pocket and tucked it between his lips. Within seconds he puffed around four cigarettes but still his forehead hasn't stopping aching. Sighing, he walked inside his dingy room and sat on the bed with his legs crossed, innumerous things clinging inside his head but his face held an utter calmness...


"Without paying the hospital bills, doctors cannot treat her. I'm sorry dear but you'll have to arrange the money otherwise take your mum to some else clinic where she can be treated for free. Not in this hospital!!", the thirteen year old boy pleaded to the receptionist while giving her few dollars which was the only currency he could collect after getting involved in a street fight where he was beaten into a plump and after begging few of his former classmates and their parents.

"I'm sorry but I cannot help you in this",she broke his last hope of seeing his mother healthy, back to being her old self and with a broken heart, he turned towards her mother who was looking outside of her window with hollow eyes. His eyes started pooling with immense tears and once again he turned towards the receptionist, this time pleading with his hands joined and voice quivering, sobbing involuntarily but it wasn't enough to melt the heart of that lady...

The young child was witnessing the lost humanity with his own eyes but his naive childish heart was refusing to believe that someone could get this inhuman and cold hearted to not being able to feel the pain behind those young tears dwelling from the cherubin eyes which should only be filled with joy and eternal happiness.

"Guards, take this kid and her mother out of this hospital!",she ordered sternly with no ounce of emotion laced in her voice.

Immediately a tall and bulky man appeared infront of that whimpering child and clutching his forearm tightly, he threw him roughly on the streets without showing a bit of mercy on that helpless soul. Not only him, his mother on the wheelchair was also pushed outside, causing her body to fall on the ground from the sudden jerk and she started shrieking in intense pain...

Few passersby helped him in lifting her mother and shifting her back on that old antiquated wheelchair which was broken after the impact but still it was the only support for him who was too young to get any job. 

"Do you need any help or your mother? Call me without any hesitation anytime if you need any help, dear!!",a young and pretty blonde women stepped out of her expensive car while puffing a cigarette in her hand and directly stood in front of him in her six inches red heels with a black card pressed between her slick fingers cladded in black silk gloves, her gorgeous face adorning a welcoming smile but little did he know that it was the smile that could erase his smile forever from his lips and fill an immense amount of hatred towards women.



Hola lovelies,

Happy Mafia Sunday and here I'm with another update as promised!!

Please drop your veiws regarding the chapter and if you liked than do press on the star button.

Stay safe and healthy reading...❤️