
|Rin Tohsaka POV|

"What do you mean I cannot get his profile?!?"

"They are our agents. You cannot get information about our agents."


The woman in front of me frowns, and suddenly I feel my body get crushed by an invisible pressure coming from her.

"Watch your tone. The only reason why you get into this place is that Riser Phenex is our agent. You should feel lucky to be chosen as a contract waifu instead of captured waifu. Even though his capture perk is not the strongest, he can still capture you, and you will become his waifu forever without you knowing. You should be grateful he chose you and willing to pay your debt and connect your world and his so you can attend the clock tower."

After she finished saying that, I could feel the pressure gone, and I could get up from the ground before sitting down on the chair again.

"I'm sorry. It's just that I'm frustrated about all this. I cannot join your company as one of your agents because Zelretch is already a member of this company, and the only option I have is to become a slave to a devil. A literal devil."

"And the problem is? You are a slave, yes. However, you still get most of your freedom. I also know that my agent is one of the kindest agents we have. If you see the other agent, you will kill yourself right here and right now."


"Your magus society is even worse than what Riser offers you."

"... You are right."

"Good. Here."

The young woman in front of me gives me a piece of paper, and I begin to read it. It took me a few minutes to read it, and I know it was the same contract Riser gave to me.

"He really meant it, huh?"

"Yes. With this contract, both of you need to fulfill your bargain. He needs to pay off your debt, and you will become his waifu and serve him for the rest of your life."

".... Where do I sign it?"

At least I will not be dissected by my new master. If I turn eighteen and cannot pay the debt, I will be taken by the family that owns me, and I know they will dissect me and take my family crest away while also keeping me alive for their own entertainment.

At least this contract lets me retain most of my freedom. I can begin studying my family's magecraft, and I can even go to the clock tower if I want to. At least my soon-to-be master will not take away my magecraft and give me a chance to make the Tohsaka family great again.

I take the pen offered by the young woman and sign the contract. When I sign it, I can feel something gently grab my soul before it disappears after a few seconds.

"Good. The contract now binds you. You need to wait for Riser to come here. He wants to reincarnate you into the devil first before he binds you."

I nod and wait for my new master to get inside the room. A few seconds later, a portal appeared next to me, and coming from the portal is Riser. I still cannot wrap my head around the thought of Shu-Niggurath as Riser's patron, and the company has many kinds of deities as their higher up.

I want to scream and demand answers for all this magecraft, magic, around me, but I know it was useless. There is no way I will get an answer by becoming a bitch in front of a being that can kill me.

"Riser, Rin over here already signed the contract."

"It is good to see you… master"

I can see Riser release a tired sigh and say.

"Call me Riser."

I nod my head and see him sit down next to me on the chair that should not exist a few seconds later.

"Rin here is accepting her end of the contract."

"Very well."

Riser nodded and opened up the briefcase he brought with him. I can see an incomplete set of chess pieces. He took out the pawn chest, took my hand, and placed it on my palm. He tilted his head and nodded.

He took another pawn and placed two pawns on my hand before suddenly it got absorbed into my hand. When I fully absorb the chess pieces, I can feel my body start to change.

I can feel my magic circuit change in quality. My body has become more durable. Three times more durable. However, what makes me more shocked is how a magic core appears inside my soul. It was not a physical thing but rather a spiritual thing.

If the Magus's Association knows about this, I will be given Sealing Designation.

While that thing is called the greatest honor for any magus, I know that it was not true. The first time I go to the Clock Tower with the Fake Priest, I meet someone who gets captured because they have deemed worthy of being sealed and stored in the Association vault.

I can still hear the screaming in my sleep. I can also still see the head coming out from the Sealing Room and how it still screams.

"From now on, you are a member of the Phenex Clan. One of the Seven Two Pillars of the underworld."

I can only nod at his declaration as I still cannot comprehend how I'm changed from a human to a Devil. It did not make any sense whatsoever. There is no explanation for it. How? What?

"Don't think too hard. Your head will explode. The one creating this is genius among genius."

"... Can I ask who made this piece?"

"Ajuka Beelzebub, one of four great satan."

Beelzebub, the Devil of Gluttony. One of the demons represents seven deadly sins.


"Anyway! I will bind you now."

I nod at him and take a deep breath. I can see a red shroud appear around him. A second later, the shroud began to cover me up like a mummy. I can feel my body being changed once again, and there is something new.

I can feel a compulsion being planted into my mind. It was so subtle that I would miss it—loyalty, Love, and Praise Seeker if I did not actively look for it. I see. Being loyal is the most important thing to me. Being loved by Riser is the most delightful feeling to me. Being praised by him is something that I yearn for.

As long as I am with him, I'm content. As long as I'm useful to him, I'm the happiest woman in the world. This is my duty—a duty as his waifu.

"Welcome to the family, Rin Tohsaka."


{Canon Omake} {Killing Zouken}

|3rd POV| |When both Riser and Rin in the company hub|

All the people look at the magic circle in front of them with confusion. Only a few people know what kind of magic circle it was.

Archer, who is already on edge the entire time, becomes more alert when he sees Caster, Medea, creates a magic circle in the middle of the backyard. He knows that one of the enemies that he is really wary about is Caster. She is a master of scheming, after all.

However, It was not a spell used to attack anyone. It was a purification spell. The reason? To kill Zouken Matou. The current head of Matou Clan and the one torturing Sakura (M).

Medea takes a black jar from the ground and pours the contents of the jar into the magic circle. It was the worm she extracted from Sakura's body.

Hugo, Sakura (H), and Mordred stand near Medea as she is introduced. They are there to make sure the worm did not get away, just in case.

After all the preparation is over, Medea begins to chant.

"I call the divine nature of Zeus, the king of gods, to judge the being in front of me. He who tried to achieve immortality and broke the ancient code."

Medea invokes the authority of Zeus as the god of Law, Order, and Justice. Zouken, who sought immortality, broke the Law of the Ancient Code as mortals did not mean to achieve immortality. He broke the balance of the world by doing this. Sakura also deserves justice for what Zouken did to her.

"I call the divine name of Hera to punish those who break the nature of family."

Medea invokes the authority of Hera as the god of Family and Women. Zouken twisted the nature of family and broke the nature of the family Hera created.

"I call the divine name of Aphrodite to punish those who tarnish your authority!"

Lastly, Medea calls the name of her most hated Goddess to invoke the authority of Aphrodite as the goddess of Love, Passion, and Pleasure. Sakura did not have any love, and for each time he gets r*ped by the Matou family, from Kariya Matou to Shinji Matou, she never got any love, pleasure, and passion.

"Let their soul be damned in Cocytus for eternity! Παράδεισος οργή!"

After she finished her chant, smoke came from the Matou resident, and some of them came from the graveyard around the city. Those are Zouken Matou that he scatters around Fuyuki city. He plants them inside the corpse of others and makes them hibernate. While it was not as powerful compared to the other worms he planted in a living being, they are still his soul, and as long as it was not destroyed, he will not die.

However, Medea's spell is unique. It gathers all the soul's fragments and gathers them at one point before combining them all, making the soul whole once again. After the soul is complete, the magic circle begins to send the soul to Tartarus forcefully.

It requires a massive amount of mana, but she successfully completes this spell because of her new body.

Zouken's soul screamed the entire time the spell sent his soul to Cocytus, where his soul would be tormented for the rest of time.

When the spell is finished, Sakura unconsciously releases a relief breath because a heavy burden on her shoulder has been lifted. Shirou gives her a one-arm hug trying to give her comfort.