
"Gilgamesh and Kotomine already made their move."

I look at Sakura H with a raised eyebrow.

"Both Gilgamesh and Kotomine already marched to Einzbern mansion in the outskirts of Fuyuki. I don't know what they are planning, but both Gilgamesh and Kotpmine did not bring Lancer with them."

I look at Sakura H before saying.

"How did you not get noticed? I did not doubt your sneaking skill, but Gilgamesh is someone that can see through a concealment skill."

"He knew, but he did not care. Gilgamesh even smirks at me, taunting me to follow both of them."

That is… very arrogant of him. I guess he thinks that he is an almighty being that can defeat anyone or anything. He is powerful, yes, but he is not invincible.

I look at Hugo, who is thinking about the decision he should make. I personally accept the invitation and fight them head-on. We have the most servants available in this war, while Kotomine only has Gilgamesh and Lancer on their side.

Not only that, but we also have Medea using her magecraft to reinforce our body to the very limit. If her limited prana in the original timeline can reinforce Souichirou to the point he can fight a servant toe-to-toe, you can imagine how strong her current reinforcement is.

However, I also know not to underestimate Gilgamesh. He is known as the strongest servant in this war for a reason. There is also the problem of Lancer. Cu Chulainn is a powerful servant. He is a servant that fights Gilgamesh to a standstill for twelve hours non-stop. That is how strong Lancer is.

After a few seconds, Hugo nods his head and says.

"We will go. If we can defeat Gilgamesh, we can fill the lesser grail to summon the Greater Grail. Sakura (H)! How fast is their pace?"

"They are using a car."

"That means they have decided to take their time. Good. Let's use their arrogance to our advantage. We will go there in ten seconds. Let's make a trap before they arrive."


|3rd POV|

Archer never thought that he would fight against Gilgamesh with almost all the servants in the Grail War. Berserker, Rider, Saber, and Caster are already on his side, ready to fight Gilgamesh.

His early decision to kill Shirou has already been discarded when he sees the young boy is different from him. This boy is not someone that would become a Counter Guardian. No. This boy already found his goal in life.

It is still a stupid goal, but it was a goal that Archer could approve of.

Archer snaps from his thoughts when he sees two humans walk through the thick forest. They are Gilgamesh and Kotomine.

"What do we have here? A group of mongrels gathering in one place."

When Gilgamesh and Kotomine step into the barrier around the Einzbern mansion, a vein made of prana appears from the ground and ties them both. Gilgamesh only sneers at the attempt, and the veins easily get destroyed when he equips his armor.

While Gilgamesh himself has a low-level Magic Resistance, his armor can nullify an A-rank magecraft.

Kotomine, on the other hand, has a hard time. He is a human even if he thinks he is not. He did not have any magic resistance like Gilgamesh. A golden portal appears next to Kotomine, and a sword comes out from the portal cutting the veins.

Once again, Gilgamesh takes a step, and like before, he is stopped, but this time he is stopped by a chakra enchanted steel string. Tied around the string is an explosive seal, and when the string caught Gilgamesh, Sakura H detonated it.


A series of explosions are happening, and after a few seconds, the dust vanishes, and Riser's group can see Gilgamesh is mad.

"You dare to do this to your king?!? Die Mongrel!"

After he said that, Gilgamesh summoned a hundred golden portals and fired up many noble phantasms from his Gate of Babylon. Acting quickly, Riser and his companion dodge the incoming attack. However, there is one servant who stays. It was Berserker who blocked the incoming attack with his sword.

It gets Gilgamesh even angrier.


Another twenty portals appear and continue to rain down the most famous Greek Hero. While Gilgamesh was busy with Heracles, Archer shot the Golden King with his bow. Gilgamesh already knows about the incoming attack, makes another portal, and fights the sword with another sword.

Rider suddenly appears behind him and uses her dagger to attack the golden king. Rider widened her eyes when she saw her attack did not work. A small portal appeared near Rider, but before he could attack Rider, Sakura appeared and punched him.


With a mighty cry, Sakura punches Gilgamesh away. Saber appears above Gilgamesh and is ready to stab him to death, but before she could do that, Lancer appears and kicks her away.

After surviving getting blown away by the explosive seal, Kotomine decides it is time to summon Lancer. While he knew that Gilgamesh is a powerful servant, he did not want to risk it.

"It looks like I got called into a troublesome fight."

"Heh! Lancer, it looks like we will meet again. Let's finish the fight we had before."

"With pleasure!"

After that small talk between them, Lancer appears in front of Mordred with his spear thrust forward.

While both Lancer and Saber are busy tearing each other apart, Rin looks at her servant before saying.


Archer nods his head before beginning to say a familiar chant. The chant has connected to Shirou, who unconsciously follows the lead of his counterpart.

"I'm the bone of my sword" (Archer)

"I'm the bone of my sword" (Shirou)

"Steel is my body, and fire is my blood" (Archer)

"Iron is my blood, and Glass is my heart" (Shirou)

"I have created over a thousand blades" (Archer)

"I have created over a thousand blades" (Shirou)

"Unknown to Death, Nor known to Life." (Archer)

"Not even once defeated, Not even once being victorious." (Shirou)

"Have withstood pain to create many weapons" (Archer)

"This sword raises once again, welcoming one's arrival" (Shirou)

"Yet, those hands will never hold anything" (Archer)

"The sword has found new meaning." (Shirou)

"So as I pray, Unlimited Blade Works" (Archer)

"My whole life was Unlimited Blade Works." (Shirou)

Two rings of fire engulf the entire Einzbern mansion, and all the people inside get teleported into a new world. A world filled with swords.

The western side of the world is a barren world filled with dust and rust while a massive cog floats in the sky. On the other side is a field filled with grass and a sword as its tree. However, unlike the western side, the eastern side did not have that many weapons. Well, at least for a moment.

Shirou and EMIYA are the same people from different timelines. They are two souls but one soul at the same time. They are two of the same being, Shirou Emiya. Because of this, Shirou UBW began to copy Archer UBW and fill itself up with countless swords.

Gilgamesh looks at the Reality Marble with bored eyes before saying.

"A reality marble, huh? What are guys planning?"

Gilgamesh summons two hundred portals and is ready to fire them at both EMIYA and Shirou. However, before he could do that, the sword on the ground attacked the sword in the portal.


EMIYA and Shirou walk toward the Golden King and take one of the swords on the ground.

""King of Heroes, do you have enough sword in your vault?""


The golden king continues to fire all the noble phantasm he has inside the Gate of Babylon, but each of those swords gets deflected by the exact copy of the sword.

"Die, you mongrel! Faker!"

While Gilgamesh gets consumed by rage, he forgets that EMIYA and Shirou are not his only enemy. Berserker appears next to Gilgamesh and swings his sword-ax hard enough to take Gilgamesh away.

While flying in the air, Rider appears next to him and kicks him into the air.

While in the air, Gilgamesh can see both EMIYA and Shirou holding an identical sword. A white and golden sword that releases a golden aura.


Gilgamesh tries to take his most powerful weapon, but both EMIYA and Shirou already swing down their weapon before he could do that. A saber beam hit the golden king and killed him.

On the other side of the battlefield, where Lancer and Kotomine fight against Saber, Hugo, and Sakura H, they have also finished their fight. Well, it is more of Hugo and Sakura successfully kill Kotomine while Lancer already depleted his prana reserve, and he began to disappear.

With those two servants defeated, the Lesser Grail has been filled.