Kara In-Ze

After stabbing the beacon a few dozen meters away from our base, we get back to our base. We needed to wait for two hours for Kara to arrive, and I did not want to freeze my balls waiting outside.

"Do you guys have some cooking ingredients here?"

Rin looked at me before saying.

"Sadly, no."

"Do you want me to go to the pocket dimension and bring some, Riser?"

I look at Hermione, who offers her help and nods.

"And bring some kitchen tools, okay?"

"Of course."

With that, Hermione opens the portal and gets inside the pocket dimension. Now… What should I do? Lucky for me, Rin and Medea are kind enough to make a magical stove that is fueled by a jewel.

The stove itself is like an electric stove. The jewel heats the iron plate on top, and I can use that iron plate for cooking. The gem inside the stove can absorb the mana in the air to refill itself. As long as the jewel is still working, the stove will work indefinitely.

Hmmm, what should I cook this time? Depending on the ingredients Hermione brings, I can make my best dishes. Hmmm, I hope she brings some meat. I was able to buy a massive amount of wagyu beef from the Akihabara market, and I hope Hermione brings those.

I wanted to buy a herd of Minotaur, but my parents did not allow it. A domesticated minotaur herd is expensive, and it needs a full-time caretaker. While my parents did not really care about the price, they did not know who could care for them.

The Gamigin family is the only one that can control the Minotaur. The Gamigin family is known for their power to control Bovidae, and Minotaur is included in this.

With this power, they are the owner of the biggest Minotaur Husbandry in the world.

Minotaur meat is even more delicious than any beef in the human world. That is my honest opinion, and even my Faerie Feast agrees with me.

I snap from my thoughts when a portal appears after ten minutes of waiting. I can see Hermione walk through the portal, and she does not come alone. I can see three people come with her as well, and they are carrying a massive box.

"I'm back, Riser."

"Welcome back. How many items did you bring?"

"If my calculation is correct, a week's worth of food for the four of us. Anyway, please place them in the corner of the room. Near the stove, yup, just right there."

Hermione orders the people that are coming with her to place the food near the stove. After putting all the food down, Hermione thanked them for their work.

"Thank you for your hard work."

"Heh. Think nothing of it. This much weight is not much. The cow in the farm is even heavier than this."

Oh yeah. The people in my pocket dimension already breed a mutant cow. It was a cow that mutated after absorbing a large amount of mana from the air. They are massive creatures. Their average height is around two-meter tails for males and one point seven meters for females.

Their meat is delicious, and I place it just under Minotaur's meat. Their milk is also very nutritious and very good for babies.

After finishing their task, the three people then walk back to the pocket dimension, leaving us alone once again. I look inside the box and see many kinds of fruit, vegetables, and meat inside the box. The last one is filled with kitchen tools like pots, knives, plates, etc.

"Hmmm, it's been a while since I had some steak. Do you guys want some steak?"

Seeing my waifu nodding their heads, I began to prepare the food.

~Two hours later~

I release a satisfied burp after eating all the food. It was a feast. I cook at least twenty kilos worth of meat for the four of us. It sounds like a lot, but because of our training method, that kind of food is a must.

We burn calories like it was nothing.

"Haaaaa… You ruin me, Riser?"

I look Rin with one of my eyebrows raised.


"Your food is just too good. I don't think I can get back to my instant noodle diet anymore."

"And I will not let you get back to that diet. Not only was it not healthy, but I also want the very best for all my waifus and peerage members."

That is the motto of the Phenex Family.

Give it your best if it was for your family.

And I agree with this motto. As long as it was for your family, give it your best. Best food, best clothes, or best housing. Everything for your family. However, when your family member decides to betray you and your family? Well, that means that they will be kicked out from the family and even branded as enemies.

And you did not want to be branded as an enemy.

"You… Haa… How could you say that with a straight face? And I thought only Shirou could say that to Sakura."

"Heh. I'm what-"

Before I could finish my sentences, I heard an explosion happening outside our base. The base shakes for a second from the impact. It looks like our new family member has arrived.

"Come on."

We quickly get to the surface and fly through the blizzard before arriving in front of a massive crater. A sci-fi-looking pod is in the middle of the crater, and I can see a young woman inside the pod.

Before I could get closer to the pod, Medea stopped me.

"Wait. The radiation around the pod is so strong. We cannot get closer. The radiation is coming from the pod. Hermione, levitate her. I will cast some spells to absorb this radiation. Rin, prepare some of your jewels to confine the pod."

Hermione and Rin obey Medea's order. Kara slowly floats toward us, and as she gets closer, I can see many bulges around her neck area. It looks like the tumor has not yet reached her face, at least not yet visible on the surface.

"Riser, quickly!"

I nodded my head, took out the briefcase containing my evil piece from my pouch, and took the Rook piece before pressing it on Kara's chest. After Kara absorbs the rook piece, I can see her body start to heal.

Some of the tumors started to shrink, but they did not disappear. The gash on her body starts to close up, and her pale face starts to regain its color back.

"Good. Let's take her back. Rin, Medea, I will leave the radiation to you guys."


|3rd POV|

While Riser and co are busy dealing with healing Kara and taking care of the radiation, they do not know that Kara is aware of her surroundings. After a few years floating in space, Kara awakens a new ability.

She can feel the littlest movement around her. She can create an image inside her brain of her surroundings after she feels the movement.

Other than that, she is also aware that the people that found her are the ones that are healing her. She knows these people are the ones that are taking care of her right now. She did not know who these people were, but she knew that she was glad that someone wanted to help her.

She swears that she will repay them for what they did. Kara will give her all to repay this debt.