
"How is she doing?"

Medea looked at me before saying.

"She is doing fine, master. Almost all of her tumor has been taken out and the only one left is the one around her brain. It needs a delicate surgery, and I want to prepare first."

"Is there anything I can do?"

"Hmmm, can I use a bottle of phoenix tear?"

"Of course. Use the one you carry for now. I will give you more next month."


I look at the sleeping figure on the bed on our roof. This is Kara In-Ze, aka Supergirl, the last Argoan, the offshoot of the Kryptonian species. I walk toward her and pat her cheek while saying.

"Please endure it for a little bit longer. Just one last procedure, and you will be healed."

After saying that, I walk away from her and get ready to answer some contract calls.


|3rd POV|

Kara can feel her body slowly but surely get healed, and after two days, she can feel the pain cease to exist. Not only get healed, but her body also feels stronger and more durable than before. While she feels that her savior changed her body, she knows that they did that to save her life, and she is grateful for it.

Currently, Kara is enjoying the warmth of the sun. She can only feel the cold emptiness of space when she is inside her pod, and she wants to enjoy the warmth as much as she can.

Kara snaps from her thoughts when she feels someone walk toward her. It was not the previous person that healed her. This person's movement is different.

A second later, Kara can feel a warm hand touching her cheek for a few seconds before hearing this person say.

"Please endure it for a little bit longer. Just one last procedure, and you will be healed."

Kara can hear Riser's voice from her bed, and she thinks his voice is warm. Warm like the sun, and she likes it. Not only his voice but Riser's hand also releases a comfortable warmth that she enjoys.

However, before she could enjoy it more, Riser took his hand from her cheek. Kara wants to protest and ask Riser not to take away his hand, but she cannot speak now as her body is not fully functional.

After a few minutes and seeing that Riser is not coming back, Kara can only mentally sigh in disappointment.

"Don't worry. Riser will be back. He just needs to do some work."

Kara is shocked when she hears Medea's voice.

"I already know that you can hear all of us. While taking care of the biggest tumor on your brain, I can scan your brain and know that you can hear all of us."

When Medea makes a scan of Kara's brain, she notices that Kara is able to hear and feel anything around her. While her body is resting, her brain is not, and it makes Medea really excited. If not for Kara's new status as a waifu, she will immediately dissect her body so she can experiment on Kara's body and brain.

"As I said earlier, he will be back. Riser is a type of person that cannot stay for more than an hour without doing anything. He releases a comfortable warmth, doesn't he? The warmth that comes from the morning sun."

While Kara's body did not move, she nodded in agreement.

"Speaking of the sun, your body is very interesting. Your natural generation is boosted by ten... No, they are boosted by twenty times when your body is exposed to the sun. Not only that, but it also feeds your body and makes your body more durable. I plan to do the surgery tomorrow, but we cannot do that if your body is too tough for my knife to pierce through. We will do that tonight, and if my calculation is right, your body will be fully functional by tomorrow afternoon."

Medea takes a notebook from the table nearby and begins to write something before saying,

"Hmmm, it looks like I need to increase the dose of anesthesia needed. I guess I need to brew more potions-"

Kara did not hear Medea rambling about potions and ingredients she needed as the last survivor of Argoan currently mentally shouts in excitement as she can finally see her savior. She cannot wait for that day to come.


"Haaaaaa... "

"Welcome back, nyaa!"

Before I could react, Kuroka tackled me to the ground and began to lick my cheek. I don't have any energy to scold her for licking me. Each day, she became more and more like a cat. She licked me when I was tired and did some mischief when she was bored.

"I'm back, Kuroka. Can you get up for a second? I'm exhausted."


"You can sleep on my lap after I get changed."


I quickly get inside my room and change into more casual clothing before getting down to the living once again. After I sit down on the couch, Kuroka immediately makes herself comfortable on my lap.

"How is your day, master?"

I look at Hermione, who walks toward me with a glass of water.

"Not bad, I guess. However, babysitting is more tiring than I thought it would be, especially when that baby is a dog youkai. They are so energetic, and I think I prefer babysitting baby nekomata rather than dog youkai."

"Of course, nyaa! We are the best, after all!"

"You are saying that because you hate dogs in general."

Kuroka has a cat and dog stereotype where they hate each other. Dog Youkai and Nekomata are not enemies, and you can even say that they are an ally. They are the first youkai that thank my family for rescuing the Nekomata from their demise.

Because of this, the Phenex clan decided to have a trade agreement with the Dog Youkai. With this agreement, our family got many contracts from the Dog Youkai. From menial work to a bodyguard contract.

Medea and Shirou usually get bodyguard contracts, while Rin, Sakura, and Illya get extermination contracts. Kuroka and I, on the other hand, get a menial task like helping with a construction process or babysitting.

It was not always like that, but that is the usual contract we get.

"Anyway, where is the other?"

I looked at Hermione, but before I could say anything, Sakura decided to answer my question.

"Nee-san is currently in the Antarctic Base. She said that she got a breakthrough in her research and wanted to test it in a desolate area. The same with Illya, she wants to practice her new creation as well, and Antarctica is a perfect place for her experiment. Medea sensei is currently doing the last surgery in the basement."

"Wait, she already started? I thought she would do it at eight in the evening?"

"She decided to do it early because our guest did something unexpected. Nothing bad. Medea sensei said that our guest absorbed a large amount of sunlight or something like that."

"I see."

Fair enough, I guess. I can understand why Medea needed to do it earlier than she planned. If Kara absorbs too much sunlight and becomes more durable, Medea will have a hard time doing the surgery.

"Actually, I'm already finished for some time."

I look at my back and see Medea walk out of the basement while still wearing what looks like a surgery outfit that is covered in blood.

"The surgery was already over around fifteen minutes ago. I'm busy stabilizing her and making sure her new demonic energy does not get out of control. I also need to burn the tumor."

I nodded my head and said,

"How is she?"

"She is doing fine. I think she will wake up tomorrow at noon or nine in the morning the fastest."

I nodded my head in understanding.

"Meaning that I can bind her tonight?"

"Yup. However, you should call Lady Yuni, master. Just to make sure."
