
|3rd POV|


Riser shouted and quickly jumped away from his current location. Just in time as the Dragon releases massive dark energy around it. The energy is powerful enough to blast the enormous rock standing in its way.

Riser looks at the Dragon and frowns a little. The Dragon is the western type: Four legs, two wings, and a lizard scale. The oversized lizard in front of him is massive. It has a height of twenty-seven meters and twenty meters long.

"Master! We are surrounded!"


Riser looks around, and true to Medea's word; they are surrounded. It looks like the Dragon's roar attracts many shadow beasts. He can already see at least one hundred shadow beasts coming to their location.

"Illya! Tell Berserker to take care of the monster around us! I also want you to go with them and give them support. Sakura! Shirou! Kuroka! Help Illya! The rest of you! Let's take care of this lizard!"

After saying that, Riser charges toward the Dragon and appears in front of the Dragon's head before punching it with four times his original strength.


The punch is strong enough to create a massive shockwave, but the Dragon did not even flinch to Riser's surprise. The punch makes it even angrier. The Dragon moved its head and hit Riser. Riser got thrown away and hit the massive boulder a dozen meters away from him.

Hermione decides to make sure Riser is okay, but the rest of the people decide to fight the Dragon. Medea is the first one by creating a massive glowing chain around the Dragon to prevent it from getting away. Rin threw three purple gems at the Dragon, and when it hit the Dragon, a massive glowing explosion happened.

Sadly for them, it did not really work. It injures the Dragon, but the wound is not big enough. If previously the Dragon was angry, now it is mad. With a loud roar, the Dragon flaps its wings, and suddenly a wave of dark energy spreads out from the Dragon.

Rin throws ten gems to the ground around them, and suddenly a massive wall made of emerald appears from the ground. Medea decides to dismiss her previous spell and reinforce the emerald wall by creating a two-layer barrier made of magic.

When the energy hits the emerald wall, it shakes the entire thirty-meter-tall wall—the two layers of barrier that Medea creates crack and get destroyed. The energy wave hit the wall and still has enough force to make a dent in the emerald wall.

After releasing the energy wave, the Dragon flies high to the sky and is ready to release a fire breath from its mouth. However, before it could do that, Kara appeared next to it and punched the Dragon as hard as possible.

Seeing her first punch did not really do much damage; she kept punching. Each of her punches creates a shockwave, and slowly but surely, the dragon scale starts to crack. Seeing her attack working, Kara put more effort into her punch.

Sadly for her, she only punched one of the heads. The other one is ready to release a fire breath. AS the fire released from its mouth, Kara did not have enough time to dodge the point-blank attack. However, before the fire could hit her, it changed into ice.

Riser changed the fire into ice before hitting Kara, and Hermione stopped the ice mid-air. With the ice stopped, Rin takes out her bow of jewels and pulls the string. A second later, an arrow made of Kaleidoscope energy flies toward the second head of the Dragon.

When the arrow hit, it did not explode, but rather it tried to drill the chest area of the Dragon.

The oversized lizard decided to get away, but Medea and Hermione cast a spell to hold it down in place before it could do it. Medea creates four massive magic circles around the Dragon. The magic circle releases a lightning bolt that holds the Dragon in place.

Hermione creates ten magic circles around the Dragon. A second later, the magic circle fuse to the Dragon and a sphere made of the magic circle appears around the Dragon.

With the Dragon losing all its movement, the others start to prepare for their stronger attack. Riser compressed a huge amount of demonic energy into one point. Rin is already charging another attack and ready to fire another Kaleidoscope arrow. Kara wants to help, but she knows that she cannot do that with her fist. She has a few long-range attacks, but she knows it is not enough.

After a few seconds of preparation, Riser and Rin release their attack. In a matter of a second, their attack hit the dragon head-on. It creates a sphere of destruction that even destroys Medea and Hermione's spell when it hits the Dragon.

Riser widens his eyes when he sees something and pushes Hermione away. Just after he pushes Hermione away, the two heads of the Dragon shoot a fire beam from their mouths. Riser creates a barrier in front of him to reduce the damage, but it does almost nothing.

The fire beam burns Riser's upper body.


Riser screams in pain as he can feel his flesh burned by the fire. While he had some immunity to fire attacks, he was not completely immune to it. A very powerful fire attack can hurt him, and dragon fire is one of them.

Riser is still floating in the air when the fire breath has stopped, but his upper body is destroyed. His skin is mostly gone, and his flesh is burned pretty badly. Riser silently screams as his throat gets damaged.

A second later, Riser was engulfed by a fire coming from his body. The fire disappears a second later, and Riser's body is fully healed. This is the first time Riser's bloodline power heals this much damage, and he does not like it.

"Hold that lizard down!"

Hearing his order, Hermione, Medea, Rin, and Kara take action immediately. Medea and Hermione cast their previous spell that held down the Dragon. Rin threw five diamonds toward the Dragon while Kara released an ice breath.

Medea and Hermione create a prison made of magic formula, Rin surrounds the magic formula with her jewel craft, and Kara creates a sphere above the jewel with her ice breath.

The Dragon struggles to move and thrash around its cage. The Dragon releases black energy from its body to try to break its prison and even lets its injured body get more damage from the energy that bounced from the diamond prison.

It did not care. The Dragon releases a torrent of fire from its mouth and tries to drill its way out. A minute later, it succeeded in freeing itself from the prison.

"Stall him! Three minutes!"

The Dragon went into a Frenzy mode. This mode is the mode all dragons have. When they are in this mode, their physical power increases significantly. In the Frenzy state, dragons will relentlessly pursue their enemies, and in this case, the dragon target is Riser.

With a loud roar, the Dragon flies toward Riser, but before it can do that, Kara appears in front of it and punches the Dragon down. She then tries to push the Dragon to the ground, but it only moves for a few meters before regaining its balance.

However, before it could charge once again, Medea created thirty magic circles and cast her Rain of Light spell. The rain of light bombard the Dragon and cause even more damage to the Dragon's body.

Hermione also starts to cast her spell. She created a hail of ice spear and let it stab the Dragon right in its wounded body. When the spear pierces through the Dragon's flesh, it starts to release a green goo into the Dragon's body.

The Dragon starts to scream in pain as the poison inside its body reacts.

Rin throws three different jewels forward, and a second later, the three jewels change into three different mirrors. She then starts to chant, and a second later, a massive magic circle appears in front of her and shoots a beam of light toward the blue mirror.

When the light beam hits the blue mirror, it counts toward the second mirror, and the size of the beam doubles. When the beam hits the red mirror, it bounces to the third mirror, and its color changes into the color of the rainbow. When the beam hits the purple mirror, it bounces toward the Dragon, and a copy of the beam appears next to the beam.

It caused an explosion that threw Kara away when it hit the Dragon. The attack is strong enough to destroy one of the Dragon's heads and leave the Dragon filled with injuries.

After the explosion is over, Riser finishes the fight by throwing a small plasma ball toward the Dragon. When the ball hits the Dragon, it explodes and creates a sphere of plasma.

This is Riser's special attack. It will burn anything it touches on the outside and freezes the Dragon's innard. It was like freezing and burning at the same time.

The explosion lasts for a minute before it stops, and the massive fireball disappears, leaving nothing inside it. The Dragon is nothing but ashes after the attack.

Riser and his peerage member leave in exhaustion. They continue to fight against the monster in the land of shadow for a few hours and without stopping. Most of their demonic energy reserves are almost empty. Rin's demonic energy is already depleted from the previous attack, and the only reason she is still standing is that her Magic Circuit supplies her with energy.

A second the Dragon is defeated, Scathach appears near them and says.

"Congratulations. You guys beat the trial. From now on, you guys are an official student of mine."