
It was a massacre. It didn't even deserve to be called a fight. The opponent did not have enough time to react or even place their hand on their weapon. Okita moves like lightning. Fast and deadly. Each time he moves, a head will roll on the ground.

The group of twenty or so people died in a matter of half a minute.

It was very impressive, but there was one problem. He did not leave anyone alive! We don't know who is the one sending them.

"Good work, sir Okita."

Okita looked at me and smiled at me before saying.

"Heh. Call me Souji, kid. Sir Okita is too much for me."

"Sir Souji, then."

"Just Souji. Anyway, are you guys okay?"

"I'm doing fine. Rias? Shirone?"

I look at them and see that they are fine, just a little bit shaken from all the blood. I hug them both and let them stay for a few seconds before looking back at Souji.

"They are a little bit shaken. I will take them back home. Can I leave this matter to you?"

"Of course, little Lord. Take your little lady and leave this to me."

"Thank you."

I create a magic circle and teleport back to my home with Shirone and Rias coming with me.


|3rd POV|

Souji looks at the corpse in front of him with a frown on his face. He really went overboard in this. It's been a while since he had some action, and because of that, he went overboard and did not watch over his strength.

A few seconds after Riser, Rias, and Shirone get away from the area, a group of people appear next to Souji. If not for the familiar faces, they will be already cut down. He knows these people, and he has worked with them in the past.

"Sorry for the mess, boys. It's been a while since I had a proper fight and thought that those people are strong enough to handle me."

"Don't worry about it, sir. We will take care of the mess. However, it was really a shame you did not leave someone for us to take. Even when we already know the culprit behind this mess, we want one to make sure by interrogating one of them."

"Yeah, sorry about that. Wait! You said that you guys already know the culprit behind this mess?"


"Then will you guys arrest whoever behind this? This is treason if my law knowledge is correct."

"Sadly, this mess is not within our paygrade. Don't worry; the boss is already taking care of it."

"Him?! The lazy bastard?!"

"The boss is rather angry and decides to do it himself. I think he will make a move in a week after he takes care of the Black Market in his territory."


Lord Anderson Paimon, the seventh lord of the Paimon clan. He is an old lord, and because of this reason, he thought that every action he took was the right thing. Not only that, but he also thinks that everything that he says must be fulfilled.

However, in the last two weeks, all of his orders did not work. The mercenary and the slave he sent to Kuoh Town have been defeated. To make matters worse, the intelligence division under Falbium is getting involved in this matter.

Because of this reason, he started using his connection in the Black Market. However, because the intelligent division is so good at doing their job, they connect all the clues together and know where the mercenary and slaver are coming from.

Because of that, the most well-hidden Slave Market in the underworld was discovered and destroyed by a single person. That person is Falbium Asmodeus. He managed to kill three hundred people from all races that dwell in slavery.

Falbium kills all of them and frees the slave they capture. Because of this, the four great satans are busy doing PR containment and preventing diplomatic fallout with other factions because some of the slaves are the missing children of a big noble in the other faction.

Anderson released a sigh and got inside his office. However, as he gets inside the office, he notices that he is not alone. He widens his eyes when he sees someone sitting on his chair while looking at the paper on the desk.

"Anderson, the son of Lukian. The seventh lord of the Paimon clan and a member of the Great King Faction. The faction tries their best to put their power together after Lord Zekram's mess. You guys are the throne in our butt because your political power is the same as us. However, because of a single fucked up, your power decreases by quite a bit and makes our position in political power become absolute. I want to thank you for that, but we come here not to congratulate you."

The man in front of him looks at him right in the eyes, and he can feel a shiver down his spine. The man's blue eyes change to a crimson for a brief second before going back to their normal color.

Who is this man that makes Anderson, a rather powerful devil, shivering down? This man is Sirzechs Lucifer, and standing around him are his friend and fellow Satans. Just like him, they are scowling at the Lord of the Paimon clan.

"We come here because you dare to try to kill the third son of the Phenex clan and my Brother-In-Law. What makes matters worse, you try to kidnap my beloved little sister."

When he hears the news from Falbium that a group of people tries to kidnap her sister, Sirzechs destroy half of Lucifer's castle from his outburst. Luckily there are no casualties other than a few injured servants and a half-destroyed castle.

If not for Ajuka holding him back, Sizechs might have already destroyed the entire territory of Paimon.

"Heh. So what will you do to me? Kill me? We, the Great King Faction members, have our life force tied into a pact that will notify other members if we are dead. They will make your life harder if you do that! Hahahaha"

Anderson laughs loudly, thinking that the Four Satan cannot do anything to him. However, his laugh stops when he sees Serfall and Sirzechs are chuckling while Ajuka and Falbium give him a cruel smirk.

"Thank you for confirming it, Lord Anderson. We already know about this from Lord Nurian Belial, who got out of the Great King Faction when the scandal happened. He willingly reveals what he knows about the faction, and because of that, we can create a countermeasure."

Ajuka walked toward Anderson, and suddenly a pyramid made of formula appeared around him. A second later, the formula melted into his body. Anderson tries to move, but he cannot move or even scream. He is basically a statue.

Ajuka looks at Anderson with a smile on his face.

"This formula is something that I created a long time ago. I originally wanted to use this for criminals who do something really bad. This formula will keep your soul contained inside your body and make sure you are alive. The body then can be controlled by the caster or the people they want. Right now, you are a mere puppet that we control. This formula will then kill the one branded by it by copying the effect of the Eternal Rest."

Eternal Rest is a rare disease that only attacks the devil race. This disease will make any devil go to sleep and have a high chance of them not waking up. The one who gets this disease will stay in a coma for an unknown amount of time.

"However, for now, you will be our little spy in that little exclusive group of yours."

Anderson tried anything to get out of the spell but to no avail.