Gaining More Ally

It has been a week since a group of kidnappers decided to attack us, and I must say that thing has calmed down. There are only a few more troublesome characters left in the town, and I feel that they will not cause a problem in my town anymore.

After taking care of the problem in Kuoh, I decided to meet with the Belial family. I did not want Diehauser to join Ophis's group. His role in that group is too essential for me not to intervene. I have already sent an official invitation for Lord Belial and his family.

They should arrive in a moment.

"Hmmm? Speak of a devil."

I can feel three people arrive in front of my house. I quickly get out of my room and walk downstairs. As my peerage member opened the door, I gave the Belial family a bright smile.

"Welcome, to my house, Lord and Lady Belial. Please follow me. We will discuss the matter I write in that room."

I decided to send a letter and tell them about something important about Cleria. Let's just say that I receive a threat as a reply saying that if I'm lying to them.

When we get inside the meeting room, I sit on the chair and see them sitting in the opposite direction. The Belial family is declining, but they are still powerful in terms of raw power. Their worthlessness is something that cannot be underestimated.

"Hmmm, I don't really like beating around the bush. I'm sorry for being blunt, my lord."

"I don't really mind either. I want to hear what you know about my niece. Do you say you have some information regarding her? Can you tell me what it is?"

I can see Diehauser looking at me with intense eyes. He really loves her, huh?

"Then, let me tell you some good news regarding Cleria. She is alive."

After I said that, I could see their expressions change from shock to denial before settling into anger.

"Please don't mess with our heart, Young Master Riser. We are a poor family, but we will use all of our power to destroy you if you decide to toy with our heart."

I can feel pressure coming from them, and I know they are holding themselves back from killing me right now.

"And I'm not playing with your emotions. Cleria is truly still alive."

"If she is truly alive, show me. Show us that she is alive. If you cannot prove it, I promise you that you will have a hard time for the rest of your life. Don't think because of your age that I will let you say something like this."

"I will."

With a snap of my finger, I open up the portal to my pocket dimension and see them look at the portal with raised eyebrows. This world is already used to many forms of teleportation, and their reaction is rather disappointing.

"Let's go. She is inside."

As we walk inside the portal, I can finally see them widen their eyes. I guess it was not because of the portal but rather for the energy inside my pocket dimension. Yeah. Kuroka said that this dimension has purer energy than the real world.

Not only that, she said something about this place smells nice. She couldn't explain it to me, but she said that it smelled nice.

"Come on. She should be in the courtyard."

We get inside the castle and see a group of children sitting on the ground while a young woman teaches them how to use magic from the base world. Before I could say something, Diehauser already appeared next to her and hugged her tightly. Hell, I can even see a tear coming out of his eyes.

I let them have their reunion and lead the children away from them.

~Sometime later~

"Belial family, thank you, young master Riser."

"Please call me Riser. Also, it is my pleasure. She was my caretaker in this town before the incident happened. She is a good friend of mine even when she decides to complain about her work to me every now and then."

I give Cleria a smirk and see her blush a little. Yeah. Every time she comes here to have some coffee, she always complains about her paperwork and how stupid some people are. She thought that I could not understand her because I was a child.

"Then please call me Mathias. Anyway, just like I said before, the Belial family owes you for this. If you need our help, don't hesitate to ask."

"You don't need to do that. She is something like a big sister to me, and I will help my big sis."

Before I could say more, Diehauser decided to hug me tightly. After a few seconds, he looked me right in the eyes before saying.

"While I cannot do anything other than fighting, I want you to know that I will help you with all I got."

"Thank you. While I cannot think of anything I want, I will ask you when I want something. Wait. there is one thing I want to ask you."

"Tell me."

"Can my peerage and I have a sparring season with you and your peerage? Father and Mother are very busy lately, and my peerage and I need a new training partner."

I can see Diehauser look at me for a second before laughing. His parents also start to laugh with him. I look at them in confusion. I don't know why they are laughing at my request.

"You really are a simple person, huh? I don't mean it as an insult, but many nobles try to ask for an outrageous thing from other nobles but here you are asking for a spar instead of a heavy favor from me, the number one Rating Game player in the entire underworld."

"That is the exact reason why I ask this spar. I want to beat you. I want to beat you in the Rating Game, and because of that, I need to know your style to know how to counter it."

"Heh. Very well. I will spar with you guys. However, don't expect us to hold back."

"No. I will be disappointed if you do that. I want you guys to come at us with full power."

I can see him smile before nodding his head. After another five minutes, they got out of my house and said that they would take care of Cleria's identity in this world so she could visit them in the future with her now-husband.


|3rd POV|

"Heh. He is really interested, isn't he, son?"

Mathias looks at his son, who is smiling as if a heavyweight has been lifted out of his shoulder. Among them, Diehauser is the one who really loves his cousin. When the news of Cleria died because of the order of the Great King Faction, he went on a rampage.

Because of the combination of him and his wife, they could hold Diehauser from trashing in Bael Territory. As much as he hurt to admit it, the Belial clan cannot be compared to the Bael clan. It was like comparing a mouse to a lion.

So when a letter from the famous Riser Phenex arrives in their house saying that he has something to say regarding Cleria, they immediately go to Kuoh, and they are really glad they are here.

They learned that Riser decided to fake Cleria dead using very complex magic.

"Yes. He is a very interesting person. Sparring with us, huh? Defeating me in the Rating Game, huh?"

"Are you angry at him for saying that to you?"

"Angry? No! I'm delighted. I will continue to spar with his team until he can beat me one day. I will be the proud master who sees their students surpassing them. I also want to get out of the spotlight."

"Heh. Because you prefer sleeping."

"Because I prefer sleeping, yes."

Not many people know this, but Diehauser is lazy and prefers to sleep. The only reason why he is so hyper is that he wants to increase the influence of the Belial clan.