
"Riser! It's been a while."

I smile a little when I see Yuni smiling at me when she sees me coming to her table.

"Yeah, it is. I have been busy lately."

"I see. Anyway, mission?"

"Yes. Can I get a long-term mission?"

"Long term? Hmmm, sadly, there is none."

"Really? There is no long-term mission?"

"I think we have some misunderstanding. The long missions I think of is a mission that will take a couple of hundred years."

"That… Yeah, I guess we have a different view of how long a long mission is. I want a mission that lasts for a month or a little bit more."

"A year?"

"Nah. Too long. Is there a mission that lets me stay there for a month or two? Three at maximum."

"There are some missions you can take. An uplift mission, extermination mission, or escort mission. What kind of mission do you want?"

"Extermination. How come it takes that much time to do it? Is it a large number of enemies that I need to kill?"

"That is correct. You need to exterminate all creatures called Grimm in one continent."

"Wait. Grimm? Is this world, the world of RWBY?"

"That is correct, yes."

"Which continent is it?"

"Menagerie. One of the patrons claimed this planet and decided to change a few things. One of them wants to make Menagerie into a superpower of the Remnant. However, to do that, they need to get rid of the Grimm."

"I see. Can I ask the reason why they cannot go there themselves?"

"Because of a set of rules and restrictions. The more powerful you are, the harder you can influence the lesser part of the universe. They are so powerful that they cannot influence a single planet without destroying them with their mere presence. They need to send an avatar to that planet to do their bidding, and creating an avatar takes a long time."

"And that is where we come."

"Yes. An Agent is a person that does their patron bidding until the contract is finished. Just like you, you can take the retirement plan and leave the company if you want as you already fulfill your obligation."

"I see. Anyway, I will take that mission."

"Very well. You have three hours of preparation time before you need to go to the teleportation room."

"Just like usual then. See you later."

~Sometimes later~

My waifu and I walk out of the portal. As we step out of the portal, we can see that we are arriving in the middle of a desert. I remember that Menagerie is an island that is mostly a desert, and the only place that people can live is in the coastal area.

Menagerie is Australia. It is filled with dangerous animals, the middle of the island is a desert and dry land, and people only live in the coastal area. Yeah, Menagerie is Australia 2.0. The only thing they need is a group of people that think it does not exist and we will have the exact duplicate of Australia.

"Well, this is rather depressing."

Rin looks around for a few seconds before looking at me and says.

"So, Riser. Should we make our base here? Or do you want to create it inside a cave or something?"

"This place is good. Let's make a base here. Rin, Hermione, I will leave the basic base construction to you guys. Medea, I want you to create a temple around this area. Kara and I will scout the area."

"Yeah. Yeah. Just remember to bring some of the dust you can get."

I nod my head, summon my wings and fly to the sky. Just as I reach a good amount of height for scouting, I can see a swarm of black creatures approaching us. They are approaching from both sides. I look at Kara and say.

"Kara, you take care of the one on the left, and I will take care of the one on the right?"

"Of course. This should be enough for a warm-up."

After saying that, I can see her appear at the nearby bird-shaped Grimm before punching it. The massive Grimm falls to the ground in a single punch. It did not die from a single punch, but it was enough to destroy the armor around its head.

I shake my head and see the swarm of a flying Grimm coming at me. I can see a rather familiar Nevermore Grimm among the swarm, but most of the Grimm is something unknown to me. Well, that doesn't matter.

I grin and appear in front of the pegasus wannabe Grimm. A second later, I punched Grimm right in the head. I hit its armor and saw that it was strong enough to block my base physical power.

After punching the pegasus wannabe to the ground, I fire a fire spear at the Grimm. A second later, I can see it disappear into a mote of black light. I look at the rest of the Grimm with a grin on my face.

"Who wants some more?!"


|3rd POV|

Rin looks at the fight in the sky and sighs.

"Look at them. Already fighting."

"Leave them be, Rin. They are just a little bit unsatisfied with the result of their fight against Diehauser Belial and his peerage."

"Are you angry that you are defeated?"

"Annoyed, yes. Angry? No. They are a formidable opponent. I must say that the Sacred Gear they had complemented each other."

"Yeah. That Analysis Sacred Gear really makes fighting Diehauser even harder. With that woman gathering information and relaying it to Diehauser, he can crack our magecraft in a matter of a few minutes."

"Yeah. I really want to talk to her and ask her to join a joint magical study."

"Errr, guys? We have an uninvited guest."

Rin and Medea look at Hermione and see a horde of Grimm slowly marching toward them. Most of them are DeathStalker, a scorpion-shaped Grimm with a smaller and more nimble-looking Grimm accompanying it.

"Well, it looks like we also get some action."

Rin grinned a little at the thought of a fight before frowning.

"Root, since when do I become a battle maniac?"

"Since we decided to join this madhouse. Come on, let's have a race."

At the mention of a race, Rin gives Hermione a smirk before saying.

"Race, eh? Let's see how much Grimm we can kill. Sounds good?"

"Good. Medea! Can you do a countdown for us?"

"Sure." Medea nodded her head before saying.

"Three! Two! One! Go!"

Two figures join the fight, and Riser's first mission after a long time starts with a bang.