Chapter 139

I can feel my grin get bigger when I see a group of Grimm coming at us. They are relatively strong. Not their individual power but rather their number is their strength. They are using their quantity to fight our quality, and it was working.

There will be no problem if they are a normal Grimm, like beowolf. No. All of the Grimm in here are strong, fast, and big. We can handle them, but when thousands of them come at us? That causes a problem.

"Take this!"

I release a torrent of fire at the incoming Sand-Fish Grimm and see them disappear. I spin around to create a fire vortex and kill the Grimm near me. When I stop, I can see the sand underneath me melted, and I can feel my shoes finally get destroyed.

I'm really surprised that it still survives all the lava that I created.

"Kara! How much more?!"

I look at Kara floating in the sky. I can see her punching another flying Grimm coming at her before saying.

"A few hundred! We are almost finished for the day."

I nod my head and take a deep breath before controlling the heat inside the ground. A second later, a wave of lava appeared from the ground and hit the Grimm who tried to run away from us. Even the most durable Grimm is called Goliath, a mammoth-shaped Grimm that has very durable armor and skin. Even when we heavily injure it, they can still go on a rampage.

That is another thing I notice. I think this RWBY world is even more fucked than the one in the show. How do I know this? Well, There are only Twelve Settlements in this world. Among them are the four kingdoms, and the rest of the settlement is located very near the said kingdom.

Medea and Rin decide to visit Kuo Kuana, the largest and only settlement in Menagerie. They use a disguise and gather some information. Let's just say that they bring bad news. The news I said earlier is the bad news.

Because of how strong the Grimms are, the people of Kuo Kuana live with the thought that the next Grimm outbreak will happen soon and that their family members will die defending their land.

Well, I guess it was within our job description to protect the people of Kuo Kuana. Well, not really, but we can do it as a side job.


|3rd POV|

Ghira Belladonna looks at the report coming from the wall guard before frowning at what he read.

"Hmmmm~ What is it, dear? You frown too much lately."

"Of course, I'm frowning. There is not a single Grimm horde spotted near our city. It is too quiet, and I don't like it. Usually, they will roar every night to call the other Grimm before the outbreak happens. However, now? There is nothing. I don't like it."

"Maybe they just go hibernate?"

"Grimm hibernating? No. They are not an animal, Kali. They are soulless monster who does not need sleep. They are gathering their numbers, and I'm afraid this will be the biggest Grimm outbreak ever."

Ghira gets up from the couch and takes a deep breath before saying.

"Kali, I need you to call Ozpin for me. Tell him that Kuo Kuana needs his help. Tell him that this is an urgent mission. Tell him that I will use the favor he gave me in the past. When they are coming, I want you to go to Vale and stay there."

"And what about you?"

"I will stay here and give you as much time as I can."

Kali looks at her husband for a few seconds, searching if he is joking. When she sees that he is not joking, she hugs him tightly.

"No! I will stay with you until the end. You can't expect me to run away, leaving you to die here! We have an oath! We will stay together until the end of time!"

"You can't, Kali."

"No! You can't tell me to go away."

"Think of Blake, Kali. Think of her. She needs her mother. She needs her mother to tell her how proud you are when she finishes her studies at Beacon. She needs you."

Kali buries her head on Ghira's chest while sobbing. Ghira can hear Kali muttering something. Something that made him smile sadly.

"Then what about her father?"

"My job as her father is done. I see my daughter bloom into a fine woman, and I'm proud of her. She can stand on her two feet, meaning my job is done. I can die in peace knowing that you and Blake survive."

"It's not fair," Kali whispered it bitterly. "It is not fair."

"Life is never fair."

Kali continued to hug Ghira for another minute before looking him right in the eyes. He can see a tear still coming from her eyes.

"Please promise me to come back."

"I can't, Kali. You know it."

"Promise me!"

Ghira smiles sadly at her and says.

"I promise."

Ghira is not a person giving a promise that he cannot keep, but when he sees her wife's face, he decides to do it for the first time.

Kali nods her head and walks away from the room. Even when she knows that Ghira most likely dies in the battle, she knows that he will try his best to fulfill his promise. She only hopes that the Gods will protect her husband and bring him back.

~Sometimes later~

Twenty aircraft appear in Kuo Kuana on the order of Ozpin. They get here as fast as they can when Ozpin gets the news.

"Ghira, will you come with us?"

"No." Ghira shakes his head, "I will try to kill them as much as possible."

"Why? That is rather foolish, no? You can come with us and prepare to retake your home."

"No. I do it because-"

Before he could finish his words, the people could hear a loud roar coming from the distance.

"Because of that. I know they will attack now. It was too quiet for my taste. I will buy you time, Ozpin. Take care of the others for me."

Ozpin looks at his friend in this life before nodding his head.

"Very well. Take care, Ghira."

"I will."

"Before you go, here, take this."

Ozpin tosses a small item, and Ghira catches it. When he opens his palm, he can see a drone.

"This is?"

"Broadcast Drone. I did not want to do this, but we needed any information we could. Also, I want your sacrifice to be honored by the rest of the world."

"... That is a bad idea. Many people will release negative emotion, and the Grimm will attack the city."

"No. Don't worry. We can defend against them."

"Are you sure?"


"Very well. Just make sure my wife and daughter are safe."

"I will, my friend. Take the smaller Bullhead. It will take you to the location you need."

"... I don't know what you are playing, Ozpin, but I will do it."

Ghira and twelve other Faunus get inside the Bullhead before flying toward the location of the Grimm Horde coming at the city. Ozpin did this because he did not want Grimm coming to the fleet.

With Ghira and his group getting all the attention of the Grimm, he and the rest of the people can safely run away from Kuo Kuana. He will miss his friend, but he knows that sacrifice is needed in this situation.

A few minutes later, Ozpin takes out his scroll and sees the video feed from the camera in the drone. He can see a massive amount of Grimm running around, but he does not expect a group of humans to fight them off.

He looked at his scroll seriously.

"What kind of people decide to fight a couple of thousands of Grimm? Suicidal or someone who is too confident in their strength?"