Ch. 1 [Opening]

[Let's start reading]

Shouts, insults, surrender, despair. Everything has become commonplace for humans who live in this era. Age of destruction. An era full of monsters named [False].

From that night, the world was like a sea of ​​blood. Many humans remain floating on the blood. Lives seemed to be a toy for the brainless [False].

[False], a terrifying monster like the devil appeared while the city was calm. It first appeared when the sky was covered in lumpy clouds. Along with the awakening of powerful human magic, [False] appeared at that instant.

[Latest news. Banssang City has been taken over by [False]. Some residents have managed to evacuate, but many victims have fallen around there. The [Hunters] are trying to defeat him.]

The news anchor looked pale as soon as she delivered the terrible news. Cold sweat was clearly visible on her wide forehead. The woman seemed worried about the world she was currently living in.

Seen from out there, a white man staring at the television screen of a shop that is clearly displayed. Watch female news announcers who are delivering the latest news that never fades. His sharp eyes focused on the screen.

"The world is in chaos."

With a baritone voice that did not belong to him, the man beside him spoke as if he was familiar with him. He looked at the man only through the corner of his eye.

The old man he didn't know suddenly spoke without any burden. Staring at the television screen, then sighed. As if his old age was greeted by a world full of chaos.

"Well, it's a shame a young man like you have to sacrifice his life to protect this world that is approaching the end of the world."

He turned around and hit the white man's shoulder. As if he understood the man's suffering, he went away leaving him.

However, the man in white skin did not display a response towards the man who had just left him after intimately speaking with him. Why?

Because he couldn't use magic at all.

'The old man was mistaken. I don't have magic. '

The man sighed and turned away from the lonely television screen. Nobody watched it and in the end, the shop owner turned off the television screen and closed the shop because it was already late.


[Rebirth of The Darkness Monarch]

Before the appearance of [False].

"Erick! This way!"


The sound of the shoes rubbing against the ground floor gave a loud squeak. The man named Erick poked the basketball that was originally in his hands. Hardly he threw it and the man who called him swiftly grabbed the ball. Then, he dribbled the basketball by dribbling.

One step, two steps, up to three steps. The ball is still in his hand and the opponent in front of him is overwhelmed. Several times the opponent tried to take the ball, but still couldn't.

The cheers of the girls filled the basketball court. It sounded very crowded because the man who was carrying the basketball was famous among his college girls.


He, whose name is Jack Reuv Smith, is getting closer to the basketball hoop, and with his agile movements and great skill, Jack throws the ball to enter the ball into the ring.

Everyone who saw it gawked as soon as the ball was thrown. The opponent who was near the ball tried to reach it by jumping, but-


The ball is successfully inserted into the ring smoothly. At first, in one second of silence, it suddenly became crowded. Cheered triumphantly to Erick and his members, and grieved with annoyance at the opposing side.



Someone called his name, but the person who was called did not answer.

"Altair Noah Ortiz!"

At the second call, the man finally turned to the source of the voice where his name was being called. The black mane swayed as soon as he moved his head to turn to the other person. His sharp eyes stared at a man with a muscular body wearing the basketball member outfit number 56th who was waving his hand.

"Yo! Sorry for bothering you!"

He embraced the white man's shoulder firmly. Make it slightly shaken. Slightly annoyed with the man, Noah finally raised his voice.

"What's wrong?" asked the man named Altair Noah Ortiz, coldly. He didn't want to be disturbed because her body was in the process of recovering.

"Wow! Relax!" said his friend. The man in black distances himself from Noah. Big laugh after Noah looked taken back.

"Thank you for helping our group." He deliberately stopped his voice when he saw Noah who was uncomfortable with this conversation. It was clear from his eyes that the man in white wasn't looking back at him.

"Well, even if you're not very helpful," he joked in between his big laughs.

Noah just nodded his head and then turned around without saying goodbye. Although he didn't seem to care about the insult, his heart couldn't help it. Sick. Noah was used to insulting those around him.

"Hey! I apologize for having to get you involved in this match!"

This time Noah didn't answer what the man said. He walked further away from him and now even his back is not visible again as soon as he turns and is covered with the walls of this basketball court.

"Hey, there is a handsome man."

The group of girls he passed was talking about it. Whispered but still sounded like talking. That's what women are like when they start gossiping, according to Altair Noah Ortiz.

"Oh, that's Altair Noah Ortiz."

"Yeah, he's so handsome, his face looks cold."

"Yes. But don't bother him, you'll regret it."


"Because he's weak."

Noah was far away from the girls, but their conversation could still be heard clearly. He sighed slightly and looked frustrated through the cold face that had been there since birth.

"Women when they start to gossip, they don't know the place."

Currently, Noah is wearing the basketball outfit of one of the basketball members. Number 11 made big on his shirt. The shirt was borrowed because basketball member number 11 had an accident and broke his leg.


The man stopped as soon as he put his shoulders back. Today he had hugged his shoulders twice and surprised him. If there is a third one, it is possible that the heart will fall out.

"Yo. Alan Woods."

With a flat tone of voice, Noah greeted his friend who had mixed British blood. Her marigold hair became the center of attention of women. Her bright eyes and cheerful character were very different from her family.

Alan Woods. Woods means wood. I don't know why her mother gave her that name, but when she was pregnant, Alan's mother carved wood.

Alan, who felt that there was a change in his friend's clothes, who always chose dark colors instead of light, became the center of his attention. He looked at the clothes Noah was wearing which was a basketball uniform.

Due to his immense surprise, Alan cheered.

"Wow! What I'm seeing is not a dream!"

He shook Noah up and gave him a headache.


"Since when did you participate in basketball? Is that why you have that tall and ideal body shape?!" he asked, still in shock.

Noah sighed again. The man rubbed his face roughly and glared at the mixed blood.

"I just replaced Ethan Sullivan."

Alan widened his eyes. His mouth drops open after hearing the name of the man who has the best ability among the other basketball members.

"Ethan Sullivan?! The basketball leader!?"

Noah nodded his head.

"He had an accident and broke his leg, so at that time I was the only one helping him and he asked me to replace him," he explained.

Hearing Noah's explanation, he immediately rubbed his face roughly. Between his sighs, he muttered,

"I can never figure out what that guy is thinking."

Noah shrugged and walked away leaving a confused Alan. Waiting was not in her nature, and again, Noah hated people who wasted their time just thinking about what other people thought.

Alan, who was left behind by Noah, called him back.

"Noah!" call him. "Where are you going?"


As soon as Noah answered, Alan raised his eyebrows at the same time as his shoulders.

"And I also don't understand the way he thinks."