Ch. 2 [Awakened]


The sound of a cat greeted the arrival of one of the owner's son. The sound of the door being opened quietly became the center of attention of the whole house. The wife of the owner of the house welcomed her son warmly who was helped by a girl pushing the wheelchair she was sitting on.

The house is very grand and big. Even when Noah walked, the house felt very cold. There is only Mother, the daughter of her husband's sister, and himself who live here. Inside the big and magnificent house.

"Welcome," said the middle-aged woman warmly. Her gaze was very happy when she saw his tall and handsome son arrive home safely.

Noah nodded his head and smiled. "How's mother?" Noah asked when he saw someone who had delivered him safely into the world in front of his eyes.

"I'm fine, Noah. Don't worry about me," she said with a warm reply. However, a feeling of sadness rose in his heart and changed his face to sadness.

"Is it getting worse?" Noah thought after seeing the change in his mother's face.

"Brother Noah ...." The girl who was still standing behind the wheelchair raised her voice. Her face was just as worried as Noah's after seeing the look on the face of the person who had given birth to him.

"Ah! It's dinner time now, but we don't have any groceries."

Noah's mother interrupted the conversation that was starting to feel bad. With a surprise made up by her, she pointed to the clock stuck to the wall of her house. Show at 8 pm and they haven't eaten at all.

"Oh, right!" The girl whose words Noah's Mom had interrupted earlier was also surprised. "Brother! You must not have eaten, right? I have to buy groceries to eat tonight!"

However, Noah who was a man couldn't let a girl roam outside at night. It would be very dangerous if a girl walked alone on the street. Especially the quiet house environment.

"I'll buy it."

He was about to turn around, but was intercepted by the girl.

"But brother! You just came back from campus."

Noah looked at the wave-haired girl with her flat bangs. Her salmon hair color seemed to match her fair skin tone, but not her identity. Her Royal Brown eyes stared worriedly at the man she was in a crush on.

"It doesn't matter to a man," Noah replied, coldly.

The girl didn't look down on him at all, but Noah, who felt belittled because people around him thought he was weak, made him feel uncomfortable.

He left without saying goodbye leaving the two women who were silent on the spot. The mother who was silent after looking for a topic that made her son who just came home from college had to go again, while the girl felt guilty about his attitude.



"Thank you for choosing this place."

A female cashier thanked his with joy. Noah came out of the supermarket carrying his groceries containing ingredients for dinner.

His body, still clad in basketball uniform, made him the center of attention of women. Why not? His handsome face and ideal body proportions are like an artist. Plus he was wearing a basketball uniform.

It was very cold outside. Making that nice body shiver. Even though he used his black sweater to cover the basketball uniform he borrowed.

"Is it winter already?"

He tilted his head to stare at the dark sky. Dark. There was only a cloud covering the stars and moon. Looks like it's going to rain.

"Why is it so lonely today?"

Feeling strange, Noah shrugged his shoulders suddenly shuddering. He chose to look straight ahead and started walking towards the house.

As soon as he took his foot a step, he stopped it. Looking straight ahead, then cast his gaze at the people pointing upwards which was precisely the sky.

The faces of these strangers were worried and frightened. Even though it was just an ordinary cloud that was lumpy like Cumulus, but why did everyone put on their scared faces?

'What's wrong?'

Noah, who was curious, also raised his head. Even though earlier he felt that the cloud was just an ordinary cloud, but-


His heart seemed to have stopped beating. The shape of the thing in the sky that he was staring at was not a cloud. What he was staring at was a large black something that was forming a vortex. Like a portal in a game.

'What's that?'

His eyes widened as soon as he looked at the sky which was already covered by the huge portal. His heart was beating fast, his blood was rustling fiercely, and cold sweat started to come out. His body trembled after something popped into his mind.

'Will the world be destroyed?'

The humans at that time couldn't do anything. Those who weren't familiar with magic, those who didn't think it existed long ago, and even said that magic was an illusion.

Now, they hope that magic really exists. To protect their place of birth and withstand the obscure attacks that were in sight. Everyone stared with fear, like an ant colony having to face an elephant.


Something appeared before Noah's eyes. The floating blue slightly translucent screen appeared before his eyes which took him by surprise. The blue light reflected on his white skin. Like having radiation, Noah narrowed his eyes slightly before he could fully adapt to the screen.

"What's this!?"

"Whoa! This startled me!"

"Oh, my!"

"Hey! What's this?"

Everyone has the same thing with him. Noah returned his gaze. The blue screen was floating in front of them.

Not wanting to waste any more time after his shock, Noah looked back at the tile screen floating before his eyes. Staring at the writing on the screen.

[You Have a New Message!]

Noah had read it and he didn't know what to do next. Idly, he tried to suppress the writing. It was as if he was playing a game he used to play during school.

The article did not respond to Noah's point. Spontaneously, his face flushed with embarrassment. The people around him must have looked at him childishly.

"What are you doing, Altair Noah Ortiz," he murmured, his face still as red as a tomato.

"It's a shame, I shouldn't have done that to [Open] it."


[Welcome, [New Player]!]


He was shocked as soon as the voice rang in his ear. The writing changed and made him surprised again. Having a quick hand, Noah understood what it was like to open the message.

'So it is used in the stated manner,' he concluded.

With those eyes widened, Noah read it and he found it awkward to welcome his.


Maybe everyone thought the same as him. The word [Player] was used in the game world and the problem was, he was currently in the original world. A place where he must survive by earning money and getting food for his survival.


Once again, the screen rang and the text changed without being asked. Automatically the screen does it itself.

[The soul that doesn't know anything due to wrong history becomes locked in the influence of the magic seal.]

"Magic seal?"

The message discontinued. The surroundings started to get noisy and, unable to focus on what was going on, Noah walked into a quiet place. The portal that was in the sky had disappeared as soon as a screen that disturbed his sight appeared before his eyes.


[Only people who have special abilities experience [Awakening]. Defeating the [False] who started to disturb the balance of the universe.]

Still feeling curious, Noah knit his eyebrows. He didn't understand what was going on at all. Even though he is an exemplary student on his campus.

"Who is [False]?" Noah asked, trying to communicate on the screen.

Feeling his question being answered, the screen emitted its voice again and the writing changed again.


[Being weak isn't an excuse and being strong isn't impossible. Defending your world from [False] is obligatory. The [System] is made to be strong and if it is broken it will get a [Penalty]. Have fun!]

As soon as Noah read the entire message, the screen that was bothering him suddenly disappeared. Despite being shocked, Noah chose to return to where he was standing, but everything had changed in the blink of an eye.

His eyes widened in shock at the change. But having a calm and cold face made him grateful.

The planet where he breathes air naturally turns 180 degrees into an alien-like planet. The difference is, those who can control magic are humans, and there are no alien forms around him.

Many people can control magic with their eyes that give off light. Evidence that the person cast magic. The [Awakening] that was written on the screen that he was reading earlier actually did exist, and right now the city in his place was brighter than before. It seems like many have experienced [Awakening] today.

'They had [Awakening] and that might be a happy thing for them,' thought Noah.

Too bad, he didn't experience [Resurrection]. It was clear that there was no change in his body, even the screen that had appeared just now vanished.

'Looks like weak people don't experience [Awakening].'

Even though he sighed because he didn't experience [Awakening], he had a bad feeling. His heart continued to beat fast. Like something will happen in the future.

Noah grabbed his chest which hurt. Close her eyes and feel the night air against her light face. The groceries for dinner were still tightly held by him and Noah immediately walked home without being bothered by laughter and the amazement of the people who passed him.

"How are you and Riley?"

He was worried about the two women who were in his house. Especially his mom who has a weak physical condition.

"If anything happens to him, I won't stay silent."