Ch. 14 [Riley's Guess]

From these, the carbolic scent was gone This was a cool natural scent because several shady trees were growing around this. The blue sky was clear. The streets were quiet and felt very peaceful.

There was the sound of footsteps, then stopped in the middle of the road. Going up to the top, you can see the two hands that were put into the pocket of his white sweater. His sweater in front of him had the words 'DARK' written in capital and in black ink became the eye of the beholder. But that was not the most attractive of all, because his face was more attractive than the place and the sweater he was wearing.

His face is handsome, yet cold. Has a firm jawline, fair skin, sharp eyes, sharp nose, and thick eyebrows according to the taste of women. The look in his eyes was always sharp. Making love arrows pierce the hearts of the women who stare at him.


The sound of a cellphone not far from him rang. His cellphone rang from inside his sweater pocket. The man with the color of his hair black reached into his pocket to find his cellphone and took it out. Looks like a cellphone with a very expensive price is in his hands.

His eyes were flat on the cellphone screen. There was no reaction, then ended with a long, heavy sigh of hiss.

His name is-

"Brother Noah!"

Ah, Altair Noah Ortiz. Altair which means gold, Noah which means calm, then Ortiz which is a family name that means brave, strong, and lucky. Overall, a golden boy who has a calm and courageous nature is strong and fortunate.

Noah turned to the source of the sound that turned out to be coming from him. His eyes stared straight, then caught the figure of a woman who had the color of salmon hair approaching him standing. Slowly, the color of her eyes was visible, which was a royal brown and beautiful.


The hoarse voice that made the women lose consciousness came out spontaneously. Noah's gaze couldn't believe that Riley Taylor was around because she'd driven his mother home earlier.

Riley is now in front of Noah. About 1 meter away because Noah doesn't like being close to the opposite sex. Riley understood that and she did what Noah didn't like so he wouldn't hate his.

"Why are you still here?" Noah's curiosity could not be held back and finally poured out through his mouth that moved casually.

The girl with long salmon hair that reached her hips understood Noah's feelings, who was currently worried about his mother's condition. Therefore, she briefly and clearly told Noah the truth so that he would not get emotional.

"Mother has been picked up by the butler first and told me to stay here," said Riley.

Noah nodded his head and went back to his routine; namely staring at his cellphone screen. I don't know what made him interested in seeing the writing on the screen.

Well, it might just be breaking news.

Her royal brown eyes were frowning now. Her forehead looked wrinkled because there was something unnatural in front of her. Riley, who was dealing with Noah, is now in the hospital garden, which is exactly the exit of the hospital.

"Why are you outside?"

No answer came out of Noah's mouth. The man with the eyes of the midnight express is still staring at his cellphone screen. Slide the index finger on the screen up then down. His eyes looked very interested in staring at the screen which made the high school girl in front of his frown.

"Hey! What are you reading?! To the point that you ignore this beautiful girl in front of you!"

Yes, with the confidence high of his soul, Riley managed to say it. Even though her face turned bright red.

The suspect finally turned his head. However, when Riley, who had closed her eyes, opened them again, he was treated to an unpleasant face. Noah's concerned face popped out, flat, disgusted, even goosebumps.

"I am kidding!" Riley spontaneously said it out loud. Her body also suddenly got goosebumps and now she felt the same way as Noah, goosebumps and disgust.

Noah shook his head in disbelief. Wiped his hair and ruffled it roughly. His soft jet-black hair was messy, but it was what would add to his good looks. Even though he didn't realize it.

"I'm reading the news. You better read the news than open useless social media which is a waste of your time."

Those piercing words didn't apply to Riley. The eyes that witnessed it became embarrassing. Seeing Noah's face, which looked frustrated with his long sigh, made the girl's heartbeat chaotically.

Quickly he patted both cheeks until they sounded loud. Making Noah, who had been lamenting his fate, was shocked by the loud voice.

"Hey, why are you-"

"Come back to your room, brother."

Riley interrupted Noah's words and silenced the man. Noah didn't like what she was saying, but for now, to get rid of her embarrassment, Riley had to do something Noah didn't like.

"I've been out of the hospital."

Noah says what it is. He was telling facts, but this girl whose name was Riley Taylor froze in her walking footsteps. Then in a flash, her head turned to Noah. It looks terrible.

"Are you serious, brother?"

Not forgetting the call behind him, Riley was dead breathless. Not only was she ashamed of her confident words, but now she was made even more embarrassed by her coercive behavior.

Noah nodded his head innocently and Riley let out a harsh sigh.

"How can you recover so quickly? Cases like this usually only happen to people who experience [Awakening]," said Riley.

Noah just nodded his head without interest. However, the one hise, who asked was very interested in the topic she was making.

Riley certainly can't read other people's minds. Because the [Element] given by [System] according to Noah's understanding comes from nature, like Alan who has [Wood Element] and Ethan who has [Steel Element].

'My [Element] is [Darkness], if I say it to Riley, she will definitely get hysterical. And again, her mouth that can't keep a secret could be dangerous to me,' thought Noah after he chose to remain silent for a long time.

"Anyway, I'm not sure whether this can be said [Awakening] or not, seeing my [Status] that is not visible," he continued.

"This may be a coincidence?" Noah answered as if she was turning a question on Riley.

The girl with long, straight hair with wavy ends did not want to receive such an answer. She is still thinking hard and guessing what happened. Until what Noah was thinking just now came out of her small red mouth.

"You have to be honest. Have you experienced [Awakening]?"